2 Timothy 2:2 - Disciple One Another

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Word to 2nd Timothy Chapter 2, 2nd, Timothy chapter 2. The youth group is been going through 1st and 2nd Timothy in the last couple years and we have thoroughly enjoyed this portion of scripture. And this morning. We are going to pull one verse and particularly to look at in the steam, as we think about serving and befriending one another within the church were looking at the one another's and here we come to 2nd Timothy 2:2, to see the idea of preaching the gospel to one another of caring, for one another, and that way. We're sick of contacts. For you to understand. I'm going to read from believe it or not. First to second. Timothy chapter 1 verse 1, through chapter 2 verse 7. The author of this is the Apostle Paul under inspiration of God, and he's speaking to one that he is equipping and entrusting the gospel to to carry it on to the next Generation. Paul is writing this book of 2nd Timothy at the very end of his life. This is as far as we know, is the last book that Paul is cotton for us in Scripture. I speaks of the time of his life being at at Hand by church history. We know that he was hat beheaded under the emperor Nero is he's in room. He is sitting in Rome. We believe in prison as he's writing this second Timothy chapter 1. I let me begin Bruce one and you can get a feel for where we're going today with a two of chapter 2. Would you listen to God's word is I read it unto us.

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promises of the life that is in Christ. Jesus to Timothy, my beloved child grace, mercy, and peace, from God, the father and Christ Jesus, our lord, I thank God, whom I serve as did. My ancestors with a clear conscience. Is I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears. I long to see you that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere Faith. A faith that dwell first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now I am sure dwells in you as well. For this reason, I remind you to Fan into Flame, the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God gave us a spirit, not of fear, but of power and love and self-control. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works. But because of his own purpose and Grace, when she gave us in Christ Jesus, before the ages began, and which now has been manifested through, the appearing of our savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to lights through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and the possible and teacher. Which is why I suffer is, I do. But I am not ashamed. For I know whom I have believed. And I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day would has been entrusted to me.

Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me in the face and love that are in Christ. Jesus, by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us guard, the good deposit entrusted to you. You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me. Among whom are five jealous remaja knees. May the Lord grant Mercy to the household of an S officers for. He often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains. But when he arrived in Rome, he searched for me earnestly and found me may the Lord grant him to find Mercy from the Lord on that day and you well know all the services. He rendered at Ephesus.

You then my child. Be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses. Entrust to Faithful Men. Who will be able to teach others also? Sharon suffering, as a good soldier of Christ. Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian Pursuits. Since his aim is to, please the one who enlisted him an athlete is not crowned, unless he competes, according to the rules. It is a hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. Think over what I say. Who the Lord will give you understanding and everything? May God bless the wonderful reading of his word in our ears this morning before we Hear more from the scriptures. When you give us time, now to speak to God and to pray and we take this time in our worship. The personally speak with God. There's something that you would like upon your conscience to clear and confess to him as Sin do. So. There's anything that you would like to thank him for appraising for to come before him with the request do. So at this time before we go further.

Father, we're so thankful this morning for your wonderful beloved, Son. Lord Jesus Christ. We're thankful that we are alive in him. Our righteousness, is not our own Good Deeds, which are just filthy rags, but we have the perfect righteousness of Christ. Credited to us. We stand before you clothed in his robes that we don't deserve. And we desire to worship you. Luke king of kings are Majesty.

Father, I pray that as we come to your word, this morning that we would see the greatness of Jesus, in the good news that he lived and died and rose again for us and that we to live and die and Rise Again, In Christ Our Lord. So is we come to your word? We ask that you would nourish us and feed us first as your children, and also Lord, those that you are drawing to yourself to hear more and understand as they are working to believe and trust you. We're grateful for your spirit being with us. It is only through you. Holy spirit that we can understand. You open our eyes, you make us alive in Christ. And so we ask that you would do your work this morning. Father, we also come before you and ask that, you would continue to be with our church family and to watch over us. The care for us, is our Good Shepherd. Thank you for those that have been in the hospital this week and have come home. Lord, we thank you for the work that you've done in improving Dale's pacemaker this time being connected properly in Lord, for Tony that he is able to breathe better. Lord, we also agree with those who mourn.

Agree with those who grieve and we especially this morning uplift. Our dear beloved Turner family into you. I'm father in. the appearance of what it looks like that Hans is no longer with us.

We pray that you would give your mercy to Wayne and Rachel.

To his brothers and sister. To all his family.

I'm Lorde. This is when we find ourselves.

Wondering. But we know from your scriptures that all things must work together for the good. And so we cling to you, we do not forsake, you. We're thankful that you were with us in our suffering. That you call us. Who mourn blessed.

And I pray that we would rise up on the wings of eagles and no. Your strength and your power. When we are weak. You are not weak. You are strong.

And is in these times that we find ever more our strength?

Lord, I pray that you would go before us as a people to love one another and to care for one another, this is opportunity for us and may we do. So in the love of God?

Father this morning. We also bring before you the people of Ukraine, the people of Russia. We ask that your will would be done with those who are leading in guiding this war, and the defense. God, we know that you have not lost control. We ask that your will would be done. We do ask that you would protect life and we especially pray for families, especially Arenas family, be with them. And I pray. Father that this would be also time to To know the love of God in Christ Jesus. Our lord and to walk by faith and not by sight to rest and Trust when it seems the mountains are trembling.

May you use Christians to Proclaim Christ in Ukraine right now.

We come now to your word. We ask that you would feed us and Russia may be heading in the shelter in the shadow of the cross.

And may I say nothing more and nothing less than what your word says in Christ's name. I pray. Amen.

For those of you that have not heard yet. Maybe that was the first time you heard about the the Turner family. What we're talking about even this morning ties and connects into what it is like to care for one another and didn't know the joy in the bus, didn't even in our morning that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

What are the things of Honda's father that I have? So appreciated, is his perspective from eternity?

Or even win his children miscarried. He said, I have another grandchild. You haven't?

I remember even performing the funeral of Wayne's, dad, and the perspective that he held then, and we miss this. So often today in our me first mindset. When our world completely revolves around us. As an individual in our individualism rather than around one, another. It is important for us to understand that we're not alone in this world. And eventually you're going to get to the point with that device that you think is giving you so much comfort and you're going to finally become so tired of it that you're going to recognize what I really, really truly long for is someone that knows me and loves me and cares, for me. Where made the scripture says of Adam. It's not good for man to be alone. He's made a helper for us, his natural design unless he has given us the gift of celibacy.

Is to be United in life, to be known and to know. To be with one another. There is meant to be for us and our world today, a greatness of relationship of one another ring with each other. And be able to put pass the Baton from one generation to the next.

Several times in my life. I think of the sweet times that I had growing up in Michigan on a farm. We didn't have air-conditioning and I was so glad we did. It was so beautiful to sit there with the windows wide open and that old farmhouse the wind blow through and as I looked out the window and heard the cows across the street and munching and Men, Moving on the sign that was on that Barn across. The street said, Lee & Sons.

It's been at least four generations.

Those are things that we should cherish in our world today when a day and age when everything is owned by corporations, and we try to sell it as quick as we can to make a profit on it and a Cutthroat everyone else in the process. I think there's a place for going to those businesses that safe owned and operated by this family since

And they handed down from generation to generation to generation as their vocation, as they're calling. It's important for us to understand that. The one thing that is primary to all of this is the Christian faith is meant to be handed from one generation to the next. It is not something that is to be as so often is thought today. Well, and and we have to be careful as Christians. That we don't take this mind that I'm because it's the water. And which we swim today as fish. This is all. We know the idea of something goes like this is as long as they're happy. But the reality is is that happiness is fleeting happiness, is soon discontent. And what we thought was gold is actually just schools Gold and what we really really need to hold on to that which is lasting and significant in our lives. And that is what God has given to us throughout time. If we even go back as we will today and I'm going to take us as we think about preaching the gospel to one another this morning. I wanted you to see that. This has been the plan of God all the way from the creation of the world in the Garden of Eden. Now, it doesn't come out in Genesis 1 and 2 and safe, preach. The gospel to one another. But the idea is there and I want you to see it this morning. I want you to see it all throughout the Old Testament and I want you to be able to come to the New Testament. The CD. When is Jesus's is sending. He says preach the gospel to one another. And then at the end of the New Testament era that we have in scripture as Timothy is being given the mantle, the Baton. What is taking places? He's being entrusted with the Baton of the Gospel, the hands of the next Generations. Before I love how the scriptures pointed this way. And we need to have this mindset as Christians that he yes, he visits the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation. When were under the curse of sin, sin is wicked and evil and vile. It is not our friend. It may seem tempting and alluring and pleasing, but it grabs into us and destroys. And it can destroy Generations, but the beauty of it is then God's covenant comes in the place and we coming to relationship with God. Even in the Ten Commandments and puts his this way showing Mercy to thousands of generations that love me and keep my Commandments. The idea all the way from the beginning is this is that we are to be filling the Earth with his glory. We are to be passing on this. Good news that there is a God, who is created in light of the Fall. There's a God who is redeeming Us in. His name is Jesus Christ, and he's come to rescue and redeem us. Pie Face.

As we think of that this morning. I want you to see what is really at stake. Is this as we think of ourselves? Yes individually. The reality is this that there is a battle going on within us a battle to win, our hearts. A battle to win. Our love our minds, our strength. Everything of Who We Are. So right after the most important statement that could ever be made in scripture hear o Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is one. It comes out and says this, you shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. And with all your strength.

There's a battle going forward to what you are going to love in. This battle wages War within us, with our mind with our strength, with our will. I find it to be even as it says in Romans 7 where the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul says it in this way in frustration, the things that I want to do, I find myself not doing the things I should not be doing and don't want to do. I find myself doing, always me.

Look at is Isaiah when he comes before the presence of God and holy. Holy, holy Lord. God Almighty. He says, woe is me. I'm a man of unclean lips and I live among the people of unclean lips. I've seen the Lord. His glory.

When it comes to preaching the gospel to ourselves, we need to understand. There is nothing that can be more important in this and the gospel is not as we spoke of it last week. Just something that we believe that the Inception of our faith and then pass it off to something else in my life. And in forget it. No, it is as we were taught and if you didn't get one of these cars last week and we'd love for you to take one with you, the two ways to live with this on. Your refrigerator is you think about what it means to share the gospel. But today I have something else for you little bit brighter. Does having a magnet. You got to put your own Magnet or put a magnet on it, and I want to give it to you. What I consider to be one of the greatest outside of scripture when the greatest summaries of what the gospel, as we preach it to ourself. Looks like it's called the Heidelberg, Catechism. Question number one. And we'll talk about that. What is our only comfort in life and in death this morning. As we think of that, I want you to see that this idea of preaching the gospel to ourselves is something that is essential. And not optional. You. And I need to be reminded constantly over and over and over again.

I want to begin with second, Timothy Chapter 2, will come back to it. I want you to see this pattern that he gives, you says inverse one. Paul says to Timothy you that my child. He loves him and sees his beloved be strengthened by the grace, that is in Christ. Jesus by grace that we live. and offers to I want you to see for Generations here. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses and Trust. So you've heard from me. So there is Paul call Timothy. Entrust a faithful man. Who will be able to teach others also?

When it comes to preaching the gospel, when it comes to entrusting this good news, it is just not right now to myself, but it is to one another that we're doing this. And so we have Paul teaching this to Timothy. So T Timothy can teach those who are present. So that Timothy has taught these people who will have spiritual grandchildren from Timothy that Timothy will probably never see. They're passing on the Legacy. I do this often in in premarital counseling. I asks, do you want your great and great-great-grandchildren to know? Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Do you want there to be a wonderful Union of your family in the Kingdom of Heaven? And the obviously answer to rhetorical question. Yes. Well, how are these children that the great great great grandchildren, that you're never going to see personally in this life. Probably. How do you want those future generations to hear the good news? What can you personally be doing about that in your lives? And what is the purpose? Then of your marriage?

Recently, I said it this way. You know, girls is you're looking for a man to marry. One of the things you need to make sure it. Can he preach the gospel to our children someday?

No, I recognize that might put some of us who have not grown up like that thinking law, falling behind. But the reality is, is, you have grandchildren to preach the gospel to now. And God is great and his Redemption. And he makes all things work together for good. But if you missed it, with your children, start with your grandchildren or your great-grandchildren. But do it.

Because the reality is, is that we need to be proclaiming this, and I want you to see why this is a necessity. And so, we're going to start. Now going all the way back to Genesis. And I want you to see this. From the very beginning. The garden God is creating on the Six-Day, in Manning and his wife. This is so God created, man in his own image in the image of God. He created him male and female, he created them and hears. Now, the preaching of the gospel and God bless them and God said to them, be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth and subdue it and have dominion. And then talks about that passes. All the creatures that they were to have dominion over as they take care of them. That idea in capsule ice is this first beginning of preaching, the gospel to one another. And other words we are to be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth. Now, that's more than just having Offspring. That's more than just a parenting or fathering, a mothering children. The idea here is of training, them up, teaching them, nurturing them in the ways of God, that they would continue forward like that. And so, if this was truly going to be taking place, it was already fulfilled in the days of Noah, but the Earth is filled with people, but everyone was wicked before God. And the Earth was not filled. In that sense though. It was populated.

God comes in judges the Earth. The idea that comes to you with this fruitfulness and multiplication and filling the Earth is his idea of you are made in my image. You are my image Bears, you bear my glory in your life. Now fill the Earth with my glory. In your multiplication.

We see this continue on, as the children of Israel are getting ready to enter the promised land, Moses summons, all them and Deuteronomy 5 and says that I'm here, always real the statutes and the rules that I speak in your hearing today. Listen to this, you shall learn them. And be careful to do them. He continues on and says this in Deuteronomy chapter 6 and these words that I command you today. She'll be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and she'll talk to them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise you should bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets before your eyes. And so is we think of this, you shall write them even on the doorposts of your house and on your Gates. That's the reason Hobby Lobby's in existence, by the way, just making sure you with me. Not. But it is pretty cool to see some of the stuff that they put out. What the gospel on your walls. Put the gospel. And I'm not just talking about passages that have wonderful. I know the plans I have for you nonsense. And I don't mean that, that's not true. But it's taken out of his contacts. Put things about this. Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. I am not ashamed of the gospel God for his power of God, unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Saturate your home and the idea that comes to your with. This is this the teaching them diligently means that this is just part of life. This is a 24/7 type of Christianity of Faith where it just comes out when there's need for it. Now. There is something that is beneficial to having a regular systematic time within your home that you would take out God's word and teach there's a wonderful thing of bringing your family on the Lord's day and teaching them through the Teaching Ministry of the one, another during Sunday Bible classes and In Worship. But I want you to see here, this the everyday in this of life is the opportunities to preach the gospel, to one another. And that's what we're doing in the biblical counseling class. Ultimately, is this saying in the very days as we are going? In other words, redeem, the windshield time. Those are great times of conversation. How great questions prepared in anticipation. Talking together, as family as husband and wife as children and parents. Then the mundaneness of life is where the gospel lives is your washing dishes as your folding clothes, as you even watching TV together or movie. That's the beautiful thing about today's TV. You know, what? The kids when you are watching TV? When I was a kid, you watched the only movies that you saw before the VCR and all the recordings was Sunday night. ABC, Walt Disney World. You cannot pause the movie. Today. You can pause the movie on any device and even roll back. Positive and talk about. What is this teaching us? What is what is the worldview here? We move forward. And I wants to come now to the gospels, the end of Jesus's life. We're in the very last chapter of Matthew. Jesus has lived has died. He's risen again 40 days since the time that he he rose. Again. This is his suspension that we're going to be reading about hear. Jesus came and said to them, all authority in Heaven and Earth has been given to me it's sufficient. And now it says it this way, go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations. Baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that. I have commanded you and behold. I Am With You Always to the end of the age. We raised so quickly through this and I want to back up and talk to you a little bit about this. Really good translation would be to put it instead of go there for it. Cuz it sounds like you have to be always going outward. In reality. The mission field is come back to us now in America. We are the mission field. We need the gospel more than other nations. The idea here is this, as you are going, in another words, if you could relate that to Deuteronomy, 6, as you are, moving and living and having your bean.

Here's the idea. Make Disciples of all Nations. We are in the business of not just getting people to pray a prayer and say, hey, I when I die, I'm going to have him. Put the idea here that Jesus gives to us and shame on us them. That's how we we categorize Christianity in the church today. That's not Christianity. That's a numbers oriented business. Success model. Repent of it. The idea is this as you are going, make disciples disciple-making takes time. You can read and say but now that's going to take a lifetime for this to take place. And the idea first comes with this baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Now, I meet you and I think is Baptist, if we're out of that persuasion, that that means we get them in the tank as quickly as possible on Easter and we dumped those suckers and we make sure that they're baptized. I speak. Crazy, sorry. That's not what it means.

What is baptizing doing? We're identifying with Christ. I'm dead myself in a live unto Christ.

It is you ready for this. It is being in Union with God. I'm not my own. I've been bought life and death by my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, and I'm not my own. I belong to him. And I recognize this I am trusting in this and it's on full display as they come. And humble myself. I have died to myself as much as possible and I can continue this process of dying. Because I want to be United with God. And I want you to see it this way. When we talked about Tyson them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We need to help them understand the father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God as we speak of him as the Trinity, is a union that is to be pursued by us as humans made in the image of God. That image is to be seen in our families and our, our marriages, in our churches, in our communities. And when we speak of baptizing them, yes, there's a place for the the sacrament itself. But the idea that lingers all the way past that that we always think back to that one time experience, is this? I think of the Union of the father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And if you are looking for something to do during lunch, if you'd like to read the Gospel of John and pay attention to this, this concept that I and the father are one, and I am in the father and the father is in me and I cannot do anything, unless it's the will of my Father in heaven. And we see this beautiful intimacy of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and the idea since I'm being baptized into this Union with him, but also I don't come as I may have come as an orphan, but I don't go out as an only child. I have brothers and sisters.

And I have been the way of making disciples is rubbing shoulders living together in harmony. Through the struggles of preaching, the gospel to one another. And I want you to see this teaching them, if we're making disciples. This is what it's going to look like. We're going to teach them. We're not going to only teach them but we're going to teach them to observe it. In other words to a bad, we go back to geronimi. These are the statutes that you are learning and doing. Live. Commanded you let me speak a little bit about that.

I pray this all began. Or let me say nothing more than your word and nothing less in your word.

Sometimes preaching today and teaching takes on this natural thing. And if I gave you right now, if I broke down and said, okay, here are the seven things that you need to do in order to be a good Christian. You'd all be getting out a piece of paper. Pulling out your camera. Getting ready to take a picture of the screen in the moment. Okay? You got some things I can get this done. What's the Waffen? When we do that, if we're not careful? We can be adding to the law of God.

Understand this, what God commands. He also enables and empowers us to do.

Does that make sense? God doesn't ask you to do something that you are incapable of doing. You need his the empowerment of his Spirit, the enablement of his Spirit, but as we are baptizing them, into the name of the father, they are not taking the name of the Lord, their God in vain. They're not taking it lightly and we're wanting them to see that. Their identity is in the name of God that they carry with them. And we're teaching them to observe all that. We have commanded what God, commands key in Naples.

His dwelling in US. and with us, So we are to learn them and to be careful to do them and what God commands He blesses with the ability by his grace to do.

And what's that show? I Am With You Always, never leave. You nor forsake you. To the end of the Earth. I've shown you now through scripture, this principle of the necessity for us to pass on as a legacy, a living Legacy. The gospel the teachings of God from generation to generation to generation to generation. What does that look like? Now, as we come back now, the 2nd Timothy chapter 2 Here's what he's doing. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses. First and foremost. Can I save this to us? The gospel is the main thing in the plane thing and it needs to stay the main thing on the plane thing. We do not need to start trying to contrive around the gospel, some fancy ideas. A newfangled ways of doing it. When you see that, you need to say, show me the Old Paths. Show me. Jesus, show me those things that have been entrusted. Remember back to what we saw, Matthew 28, who was standing there. The parcels are standing there, as you are going, go and make disciples of All Nation, teaching them to. Observe what I have commanded you they're taking what they saw in person. And now, Paul is part of that generation. And now he's in trusting that the Timothy. And Timothy is carrying that it's all simply, it's kind of this what you have heard and I'll pass it on.

In the presence of many witnesses. As you've heard these things over and over lived out. Entrust that deposit. It The others will be faithful. And then what will they do? They'll teach the next. So here's what I want to encourage you to do. It is important for us to have our lives completely saturated with the scriptures. For us to live the gospel and to know it.

How we do that will vary from person to person. Will have her own different habit, habit patterns. But as you go in the way, do it, read, God's word, pray. Discuss, the these things. We often speak of here at Valley View and this way, I need to be responsible for this personally, and I need to be feeding myself. I need to be feeding my family, and I also need to be part of the church body being fat and feeding them. Preaching the gospel to one another. Until this idea becomes down to of continuing to bring before us the grace. And mercy of God.

Let me give you an example. What does does not look like any other so prevalent today?

We come to a place in our lives when we recognize the gospel. We believe it and we trust in Jesus and all the sudden we have arrived and and now all the sudden we continue on our platitudes of Christianity.

I told Jesus starts to clean this up. I can go all the way from our liquor cabinets, to our cigarettes, to our words, to our actions, and all these other things. And before you know, it while we can become is a poster child for Jesus. Externally. With a rotten internal.

And we will have learned how to conform ourselves outwardly unto Christ. But we haven't dealt with the heart.

Can I say that, you know that breeds hypocrisy?

Generations that we're talking about here, see through that. And say, if that's what it's all about. I don't know if I want that. No, I don't.

What they need to see is gray, saturated. I need Jesus today as much as I needed him. The very first time I believe in him. I need his mercy and his grace to cleanse my heart and to forgive me.

And be my salvation. Today. It is that grace, that brought me salvation, that continues to cause me to grow and sanctifies me as we stay within Christianity. It causes us to progressively change and be transformed and that's going to look different for each. And everyone of us. The word of God is very powerful. Can I remind you of this, the word of God is very powerful, but it works at different paces and different people's vibes. And that doesn't always mean quickly. Sometimes it means that we just sit there and we'll go. I know, I need to be doing that, but I don't do it. We end we we start disbanding from God's word. Remember is that battle to win our hearts. They are. And what we have to say is I love the Lord. I love Jesus more than I love my own ways in my own since that's that battle within me that I'm constantly Waging War. So, if you're right now, struggling.

Confess your sins. Run to the grace and mercy of God, just as the prodigal didn't. What do we find happening is a father runs faster than the prodigal.

Find his grace and his Mercy. And love him. She loves you.

Let me read you the Heidelberg one and why I would encourage you to. make this along with others scripture Memory, one of the things that you memorize

Sing in light of the circumstances that we have found ourselves at. This is very appropriate today. What is your only comfort in life? That's what I usually wear stop. But what else about when I pass from this life. What is the only comfort in life and in death?

The beautiful thing about this is on the side. I'm going to give you this. If you wanted is all these references that I would encourage you to take a markup in your Bible and start two to think about it. Meditate on the answer is that? I am not my own. But I belong Body and Soul. Not just my soul, but my body, as well, in life. And in death to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. Listen to these rich words. This is a summarization of the Gospel. Now. This is preaching, the gospel to yourself. And listen to all of the Gospel is preached. In Heidelberg one. He has fully paid for all my sins, with his Precious Blood that we need that.

W are bugging me right now conscience. You are convicted me right now. He has paid for all my sins with his precious blood. And has Set Me Free, the next line from the tyranny of the devil.

He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven. In fact, all things must work together for my salvation.

Because I belong to him. Christ by his holy spirit. Assures me of eternal life. It makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on. To live for him.

Those are words that have stuck up in the Noggin. That you can apply to your heart. They can be extended to your hands. And people can see there is one who preaches, the gospel to himself or herself.

And we preach that to one another in the church.

We're going to continue this next week and only in a different way that you probably don't think of is very important. We can talk about the importance of singing to one another next week and Colossians. 3:16 Says what the word of Christ dwell richly in. You. Teaching a Mahna Mahna seen one another, and Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Are singing is not just to God. So that's primary. We are singing to one another. Cuz we're singing the words and so we'll talk about why singing, good songs, healthy songs, scripturally sound songs. I'm going to tell you stories next week. They can make your ears perk up and say this is why I need to be careful. What I call Christian not Christian. There's a lot of pseudo, Christian stuff out there. That is nothing more than own. Christian narcissism. Moral therapeutic, deism, if you're familiar with that phrase, Get the stuff and I'll just give you a listen to songs this week. And this is what I want you to do. If you can sing the song to a person that is supposed to be right now, being sung to God. It's not a good song. if the song is being sung to God, it should have characteristics to it that you say, well, that's not me. I'm not moral. I'm not going to pretend. Otherwise. Me and good songs. Biblical songs will direct our attention of. We're done to Christ. But then we sing of that, good news of Jesus to one another and we remind one another of the Gospel. So we preach the gospel. Yes, we are lies like we're saying today, but we also, you will see it manifest itself in the way that we sing. Klingon to Christ. He's the only one that gives us hope. Father in heaven, we thank you. For the privilege that we have. To know that you are the way the truth and the life. No one comes unto the father, except through you that we have the wonderful gift of this. Good news. Not just once early on in our walk with you, but daily moment-by-moment living by your mercy and your grace with one another. Continue to feed us and nourishes. Us. Your people as we live one day at a time.

By your grace and your mercy. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you that by faith in Jesus, but simply calling out to you. We can be forgiven of our sins and know that we belong to you in life and in death.

And we rest in that truth. That is our hope certain and sure.

Lord, we ask that, you would continue to make us your children over and over again to the gospel. We pray this in. Jesus are the savior's name. Amen. Would you stand together as we conclude and singing?

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