Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
We are here to challenge you
What a waste to sit here and be a spectator
We are in times where you can’t be anymore
Our job is release you to do Gospel work on the Central Coast
You will be spiritually fed, challenged to be used by God, and encouraged when feeling defeated
Do you one of the biggest obstacles to eating fully, stepping out in faith, or picking yourself up after you have been knocked down?
One word… Anxiety
You might know it better as worry
Read Matthew 6:25-30
This passage piggy backs the previous one
Last week was about materialism and this week Jesus shows us how our worry over those material things can render us paralyzed spiritually and even lead to sin
So Jesus is going to give us 3 commands and 6 reasons why
Get out your notes because this is going to be some good stuff
Don’t Worry about Life ?vs. 25
The first command we see in this passage is, “Don’t worry about life.”
Do not be anxious about your life
Anxious = to experience worry, nervousness, or unease
The Greek word is Merimnate, which sounds a lot like Marinate
And isn’t that what worry and anxiety is?
We let our problems marinate in our minds and often allow them to inflate
Jesus tells us not to worry about life
That covers every area, but he gets specific about food and clothes
Food and clothes are two of our primary needs
No one wants to be hungry or naked but this kind of worry goes beyond the basics
This anxiety isn’t about providing for the family but worrying if you have nice stuff
Reason #1 Life is More than Food and Clothes
The first reason we don’t need to worry is because life is more than food and clothes
Food and clothes represent the cares of the world
Our mind needs to be on things of heaven
People say, “My responsibility is to provide for my family so I have to focus on that.”
That sounds noble but it can be an excuse not to trust God or as a cover for bad financial decisions
The worries of the future are often predicated on the decisions of the past
Here is the great thing
Even if you have a dug a hole, by realigning your life with God’s purposes and following Him daily, he will often pull you out of your mess
Life is more than having nice things and going to exotic places
God has a plan and purpose for your life
When you sync up with that you will discover joy, peace, and fulfillment
Reason # 2 You are Valuable
vs. 26 Look at the birds
Birds don’t work for their food, yet God provides
They don’t plant crops or harvest them
They are provided for by God
If God provides for them, He will provide for you whom he loves more
You don’t need to worry because you are valuable to God
Reason #3 Worry Changes Nothing
vs. 27 which of you have added an hour to your life?
Worry changes nothing
Worry can be a sin
Like over-indulgence, worry is a self-destructive state
It accomplishes nothing except to put God out of the picture
Worry can reveal a commitment to our personal security, instead of trusting God
Pastor Chuck you’re hitting a little too close to home
Listen, so much time and energy is wasted with worrying
Reason # 4 God Will Provide
The 4th reason not to worry is that God will provide
vs. 30 If God clothes the grass how much more will he clothe you?
Consider the lilies, they don’t toil
Even Solomon, considered one of the wealthiest men of all time, wasn’t not as elegant as these
Jesus goes into great length to explain reason #4
vs. 28-30 he gives multiple examples
Lilies, Solomon, and grass
He is trying to emphasize a point if he mentions something three times
You don’t have to worry because he clothes the lilies with splendor more than the best Solomon had
That doesn’t mean that you can go out and outfit yourself with Gucci
It means that if he puts that much care into a flower that fades, how much more attention is he going to pay to you
Don’t Worry About What You Will Eat vs. 31-32
The second command we see in this passage is, “Don’t worry about what you will eat.”
Jesus repeats that we must not worry about food and drink
Food is different than clothing because it is an essential, not a luxury
He is not forbidding that we care about the essentials
He does forbid us worrying about them
He doesn’t want us to worry so much that we resort to ungodly methods to acquire it
By that, I mean cheating our employer, customer, or the government
When things get tight we often want to cut corners
Reason #5 God Knows Your Needs
Jesus doesn’t just drop the command on us he gives us some reasons
Reason #5 not to worry is God knows your needs
What’s interesting here is that Jesus refers to the Gentiles as the wrong method
Remember that Jesus’ audience are Jews
The Gentiles, like the Corinthians and Romans were known for their pursuit of materialism
It was a turn off to the Jews and so Jesus uses it as a contrast
Jesus wants us to trust His Father for all of our needs
When we don’t it is evident of a lack of faith
Seek the Kingdom vs. 33-34
The third command we see in this passage is, “Seek First the Kingdom”
The first two commandments Jesus tells us “Don’t worry”
Now he tells us what to do
Seek first the kingdom of God
There is a practical saying
You can be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good
Well the reverse can be true as well
You can be so earthly minded that you are not connected to heaven
Jesus wants to seek Him first
6 Tips to Seek the Kingdom
Get into Your Bible
Start your day with the Word of God
Meditate means to stop and think
Do that by journaling
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