Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
More signs please!
As we journey through the gospel, we are coming into one of the most important sections in all of scripture.
I cannot, will not leave out what transpires just prior to our section.
Open your bibles to Jn2 and let’s start together (v.18).
I have been studying for several weeks on John chapter 3 when I realized suddenly I had passed over this passage in John chapter 2 and we cannot pass it over.
So, lets take a look at this passage then do the set up for John chapter 3 tonight.
What do you see, what do you notice when you look at Jn2:18-25?
(Insert gleaning from the scripture slide previously used here)
Gleaning from the scripture:
Look closely at (v.18) What is the question, and why is it being asked?
What was Jesus response to the question (v.19)?
Can you see the sarcasm in the response from the Jews (v.20)?
When Jesus spoke of the temple what was he referring to (v.21)?
What significance do you find in (v.22)?
It goes with the theme of the gospel.
Why were the people believing in Him according to (vv.23-25)?
And what was Jesus feelings on this, and why?
A few quick points to go along with the passage:
The authority of the Lord (vv.18-22)
They were looking for a sign to prove His authority to cleanse the temple (2:13-17) and Jesus is offering His being raised from the dead as the authority.
His resurrection proved he was the Son of God.
The power of the Lord (vv.23-25)
The power to bring many to believe because of His signs.
Jesus did not need to commit to them, they needed to commit to Him and He knew their hearts
(Transition) This sets us up for John chapter 3, there has been questioning, and now someone is going to take it further and investigate.
I think as we look at Nicodemus we are going to learn a lot from him.
Nicodemus and Jesus
We will see Nicodemus a couple of times in gospel, here is our introduction of him, and will see him at the death of Jesus pleading for His body.
But, who is Nicodemus, what can we learn about him?
What do you see, learn about Nicodemus from (v.1)?
Background about Nicodemus to help you to gain understanding.
Jesus kept company with ordinary people, in ordinary places and his meeting with Nicodemus was extraordinary and her is why.
Nicodemus was one of the aristocracy.
He must have been wealthy (Jn19:39)
Only someone who was wealthy would have the finances to purchase hundred pounds for things for burial
He was a Pharisee
The word Pharisee means “separated one” - they separated themselves from ordinary life in order to keep every detail of the law of the scribes.
These were considered the best of the best, they were ones whose life was dedicated to observing every detail of the scribal law.
There were never more than 6000 of them known as the “chaburah” or the brotherhood.
- this was only for very dedicated men.
Now as a Pharisee who is dedicated, devoted to keeping the law, this is the minutia of the law that man, the scribes added much too.
The Law regarding the Sabbath was to keep it holy.
The Mishnah is the codified scribal law and it it not a verse but 24 chapters explaining how to keep the Sabbath Holy.
Let me give you an example of scribal law and the extremes from some commentary from William Barclay
(Bring Barclay commentary up with you and read from pg. 121-2)
Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews
That meant he was part of the counsel of 70, the Sanhedrin.
This is the supreme court of the Jews.
They had jurisdiction over all religious matters of the Jews - So as a member of the Sanhedrin it is not surprising that he would go and talk with Jesus who was being accused of being a false teacher or a false prophet.
Why did Nicodemus come at night? (Some thoughts)
Being cautious
Not wanting to come in day and make a big deal about it.
In reality it was a big deal anyway that he even went to Jesus.
Nicodemus was able to put aside his prejudices (as a Pharisee) and talk to the man.
Because the Rabbi’s declared the best time to study was at night.
Night they would not get interrupted.
Nicodemus had questions and at night would not be interrupted.
Nicodemus was a prestigious man with a privileged life, but yet had a longing for more.
Barclay says “he came at night that by night he may find light.”
(Transition): So, we now have some groundwork laid out about Nicodemus, now we should lay groundwork regarding being born again.
Born again
This is such an important topic, I think we will spend a little time regarding being born again historically and scripturally speaking so to have a good foundation regarding this being born again, or new birth.
We need to look at the passage first.
(Insert Gleaning from scripture slide again here)
How did Nicodemus address Jesus, or acknowledge about Jesus (v.2)?
When looking at (v.3) is there an imperative that Jesus speaks, if so, what is it?
What did Nicodemus assume Jesus meant in (v.4)?
Finally, in (v.5) Jesus states the imperative again (v.3) with more details, what new details are given?
Nicodemus came at night and did not deny that there were signs being done or that Jesus had God with him.
Jesus in His response (answer) is basically saying, its not the signs that matter, it is being born again, for without it you cannot enter the kingdom of God.
One commentator states “the change in the believer is so drastic it is related to being born again, or a new birth.”
This being born again, this new birth, Nicodemus was trying to grasp it.
He understood that it had to happen, but did not understand how it could happen.
Dalton in his commentary stated “it is note the desirability of this changed that Nicodemus questioned; that he knew only too well; it was the possibility.”
Nicodemus is up against the eternal problem, the problem of the man who wants to be changed and who cannot change himself.”
Being born again, born anew, rebirth, is interwoven throughout the N.T.
Peter states it is by God’s mercy (1Pt1:3)
Peter states it is of imperishable seed (1Pt1:22-23)
James says it is by the Word of God (Jm1:18)
Paul says it is by the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit (Tit3:5)
When you think of the word “resurrection” what does that mean?
Being raised from the dead; something that was dead being brought back to life.
Paul in Rom6:1-4 speaks of dying with Christ and raising a new
also those are born of Christ are babes in Christ (1Cor3:1-2)
Born again, a new creature (2Cor5:17)
A new creature , person created after God in righteousness (Eph4-22-24)
But, being born again, born anew was not just a Christian thing, it was seen in the Jews
Proselytes were born again
Mystery religions of the Greeks were born again
So, what does rebirth, being born again mean to us, let me give you some of what Barclay says.
The idea of rebirth brings about:
The idea of kingdom of heaven through rebirth
Speaking of the kingdom, Jesus in the Lords prayer (Mt6:10)“10 ‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done, - - - that happens through rebirth
The kingdom of heaven is a brotherhood, or a society where God’s will is sought and God’s will is applied, bringing heaven to earth.
The idea of sonship of God through rebirth
Sonship made available through belief
Jn1:12 “12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,”
The idea of eternal life through rebirth
Jn3:16 “16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
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