Monday Morning Headlines

Easter  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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If the events that took place two thousand years ago happened today… this might have been the headline the local paper had prepared for the Monday morning edition.
And the article may have started out like… this.
The man claiming to be the Son of God, was crucified before the start of the weekend. Jesus Christ, a well-known Jewish teacher, was accused by Temple authorities of blasphemy; a crime they declared to be worthy of death. Although the regional Governor found no fault in Christ, Pilate gave the order for Jesus to be chastised, then later crucified, to appease the growing animosity of the crowd.
Jesus was punished severely then made to carry His cross through the city to Calvary’s hill. There, along with two other criminals, Jesus was nailed to the cross and placed on display between the two thieves. Before Jesus died, witnesses say He prayed saying, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do,” and just before His death, His last words were “It is finished.” To confirm His death, the Roman Soldiers pierced His side with a spear after which a flow of blood and water spewed from His lifeless body. Jesus is dead.
After His body was taken down, a wealthy individual named Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus, asked for the body and he buried it in his own tomb - a tomb carved out of the rock, and he rolled a large stone in front of it...
And that was that. No more Jesus. Things could go back to “normal” if you will and the minds of the religious leaders could be at ease. Jesus WAS dead.
Church, there is no denying that Jesus gave His life on Calvary. The events we read about in Scripture did in fact take place and Jesus did in fact… give His life. And… that was the plan ALL ALONG.
Jesus HAD to die. His body HAD to release any and all life out of it. He wasn’t close to death or beaten within an inch of giving His life, His body was emptied of life and that was the point.
This wasn’t done simply to appease a growing and hostile crowd. This wasn’t done simply to keep the peace in the land. It might appear this the case on the surface… but God had a plan in motion… a plan that would CHANGE THIS WORLD FOREVER.
What the world didn’t realize in this moment was… there was NO going back to “normal” after Jesus died on the cross… THE WORLD WAS FOREVER CHANGED by what had happened and church… God was just getting started!
A new normal was emerging… but this new normal COULD NOT HAVE COME WITHOUT THE DEATH OF CHRIST.
I want to welcome you today to our Easter Celebration! We are SO glad that you are here with us and we can’t wait to see all that God is going to do!
We have been in a series called New Normal over the last several weeks and we have been studying Joshua and the Israelites as they began their journey into the promised land.
Today, we move from that study to take a look at what Easter is all about. Although we will not be talking about a promised land today, we will be talking about a promised Savior who would change this world forever. Easter weekend… is the celebration of when God took what was “normal” and completely and utterly shook it apart on our behalf!
That shake up began when Jesus was born… when Immanuel had come. But the earth literally shook the moment Jesus breathed His last breath on the cross and something remarkable took place in the temple… we’ll talk about that more in a moment but my point is this: there is no going back to the world as it was BEFORE Jesus died on the cross. AND THAT’S A GOOD THING!
What God has done… CANNOT BE UNDONE… by anyone or anything of this world.
Jesus’ death on the cross led to a series of events that we are going to look at here in a moment that changed the world as we know it. And it all started the moment Jesus said,
John 19:30 NIV
30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Those were His last words… words that began the transition from what was… to what would be. With this words, “normal” forever changed and something new is offered to us. But it would begin with the headline, JESUS IS DEAD.
So what were the events that took place? What kind of headline-making activities happened after Jesus spoke His three final words and what significance do they have on us?

Jerusalem Temple Vandalized as Large Veil was Torn in Two.

Sources cannot identify who is responsible for the act and no witnesses have come forward. Authorities and care takers within the Temple report that the veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple was torn down the middle.
This action would have required a team of people as the veil was very thick and sturdy. Temple sources report that the veil was so thick that two horses tied to opposite corners would not have strength enough to do what had been done to the veil. The veil was found to be in place but damaged beyond repair. Temple authorities began a building walk-through in response to the earthquake that took place that afternoon. Roman Guards report that the earthquake began the moment Jesus died on the cross. Investigators are trying to establish a connection between the events to see if they are tied together or not...
Oh… BUT THEY ARE. And the events are recorded in Matthew 27
Matthew 27:51 NIV
51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split
Matthew 27:54 NIV
54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”
Can you imagine the dismay of those who found the curtain in the Temple torn in half?
What is the significance of this occurrence? It marked the beginning… of a new normal!
When sin entered the world, it broke our fellowship with God. Sin separates us from His presence. God, who is light, cannot have any fellowship with darkness.
God’s presence was found ONLY within the room mentioned a moment ago. That room was known as the Holy of Holies within the temple and that room was VERY significant.
Once a year, the priest would enter the room and make atonement for the sins of the people. The room was separated from the rest of the temple by a large veil… the veil was the physical reminder or our spiritual separation from God.
Jesus came to break that separation… once and for all. But the only way that separation could be broken was through the shedding of His blood.
No other blood had the power to do what Jesus’ blood did. Why? Because His was the only blood without blemish or defect. Jesus was without sin meaning He was the only worthy candidate to die for ALL our sins.
We know full well that the wages of sin is death. It’s been this way since the dawn of creation. It is the consequence that comes with rebelling against God.
But God had a plan… although it was OUR sin that earned us death, God sent His Son… to die in our place… to set us free from our sin AND its effects.
Once our sins have been fully atoned for… OUR FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD CAN BE RESTORED! And this is the significance behind what happened to the veil in the temple.
It wasn’t the hands of vandals or disgruntled employees that tore the veil! IT WAS THE POWER AND PRESENCE OF GOD LEAVING THE ROOM!
Once Jesus’ life had been given… the Holy of Holies… became obsolete… a thing of the past. GOD WAS NO LONGER HOUSED OR ISOLATED FROM HIS PEOPLE AND HE HAD A NEW TEMPLE IN MIND THAT WAS NOT MADE OF BRICK AND MORTAR.
God’s Spirit… God’s presence… CANNOT BE PUT BACK BEHIND THE VEIL because of what Jesus did on the cross! But He is looking to take up residency somewhere else… God wants to come alive… IN YOU.
Those who place their faith in God become the temple full of His presence. His Spirit moves into the hearts of believers marking the END of the separation sin once caused.
Through Christ, God desires to separate you from sin and it’s effects and to reunite you with His power and presence.
Jesus HAD TO DIE to make this reality a possibility. He died… so you can live. He died… so that you can be filled with the Spirit of God. He died to SET YOU FREE FROM SIN!
God’s presence will NEVER AGAIN be isolated to a small room within a temple. What has been done can never be undone… what was normal, will never again be the norm. God’s presence is now available to ALL who believe because Jesus died on the cross.

Guards Are Placed at the Tomb in Light of Possible Criminal Activity.

The Roman Governor, in cooperation with the Chief Priests and the Pharisees, have taken action to secure the tomb of the crucified individual over the weekend. Credible sources brought reports to the authorities suggesting the body of Christ might be stolen from the tomb in the attempt to make it appear that Jesus was raised from the grave.
Concerns were given that if such a crime were to occur, confusion and wide spread deception would result. Governor Pilate agreed with the threat assessment and posted a guard at the tomb for the next several days. Work also took place to secure the stone in front of the tomb to prevent any unauthorized entry. The Governor’s seal was also placed on the tomb making it illegal for anyone to enter at any time. These steps were taken to make sure no one would ever get in...
But they couldn’t do anything that would keep Jesus from walking out!
The people who crucified Jesus wanted the old normal back so badly that they did everything they knew to do to KEEP Jesus in the grave.
Matthew 27:62–66 NIV
62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. 63 “Sir,” they said, “we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ 64 So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first.” 65 “Take a guard,” Pilate answered. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.” 66 So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.
These guys were… afraid… afraid that Jesus was somehow coming back!
They couldn’t settle in their minds that He was who He said He was… This was the case even after finding the veil torn in two. THEY WANTED JESUS TO REMAIN IN THE GRAVE. The only option for “resurrection” in their mind was insurrection by His disciples.
In the minds of the authorities, the disciples would have to stage Jesus’ resurrection. They would have to “manufacture” a move of God. So they went through a lot of trouble to make sure this couldn’t happen. They made sure… that the stone would not be rolled away.
But God’s plan was in motion… God was on the move… and there was nothing they could do to stop what the Lord had in store.
I want you to see what happens next!
Matthew 28:1–6 NIV
1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
I absolutely love this text and the details that are given! the authorities only thought they were in control of the situation… but God had other plans!
It was as if God said to them, “Okay… okay… you think man is going to “manufacture” a move of my power? Let me show you otherwise!”
“Go ahead… go ahead and post your guard. Go ahead and secure the stone. Go ahead and place the seal on the tomb. You’re right… no one is going in… BUT THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN STOP MY SON FROM WALKING OUT!”
The guards that were posted were so afraid they fell to the ground as dead men.
The stone that the governor said “no man can touch” was rolled away by and angel… AND THEN HE SAT ON IT! Now… why would the angel sit on the stone? That’s like a drop the mic moment! That’s like the angel was saying to the guards and the governor, “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?”
The grave that was meant house the lifeless body of Christ was now empty as death had been swallowed up in victory! It was ALL part of the plan!
What was God’s plan? God’s plan was to bring VICTORY over sin, death AND the grave. God, though His Son Jesus, was fighting a battle we could not win on our own...
This is what we need to understand: Sin places us in a position of death. Sin brings destruction to our lives and death to our souls. These effects are something we cannot overcome on our own.
Ever since sin entered the world, mankind has been trying to escape his inevitable grave. In Genesis 3, look at what took place after Adam and Eve sinned.
Genesis 3:7–9 NIV
7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. 8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
The mention of them sewing fig leaves together is important. THEY TRIED TO COVER THEIR SIN. They tried to escape their shame. They tried to mask their reality. DEATH HAD COME THROUGH SIN . And there was no getting away from it. They were as good as in their graves.
When God came on the scene, He could have left them in that position of death… He could have left them trying to do all they could do to escape their new reality
But instead… what did He do? HE CALLED OUT TO THEM. He called them out from where they were.
And when they came to God, He covered them with something new… Just as God desires to cover you today as well.
But God doesn’t want to cover you with a garment made from an animal skin… He wants to cover you with the blood of the Lamb, the blood of Christ that washes away ALL sin and makes way for new life!
When Jesus walked out of that grave, the world realized it can never undo what God had just done. The victory could never be taken away from Jesus. Jesus would not return to the grave and sin would forever lose it’s grip on any who call upon His name.
You might be in a position where sin has got you down and you have been convinced that you are down for the count. What has been done in your life cannot be undone… you’ve tried, you’re worked hard to forget, you’ve settled for the grave.
Hear me clearly: DEATH DOES NOT HAVE TO HAVE MASTERY OVER YOU! There is a way to break free today and His name is Jesus!
Jesus WAS dead. Jesus WAS in the tomb. But there is one more very important headline I want to show you as we close today...

Breaking News: JESUS IS ALIVE!

Early reports have been coming in that Jesus Christ, a man crucified just a few days ago, is in fact, alive. Sources say that the guards who were at the tomb witnessed a seismic event that shook the entire area. The guards reported that the tremors were so intense that they were knocked off their feet, but other sources say the men were terrified at the presence of what has been described as an angel, who rolled away the tomb stone… and sat on it.
Two women who were at the scene were seen running back into Jerusalem after having a brief conversation with the angelic individual. Before they reached the edge of town, they were stopped by a man that resembled one of the three men who were crucified at Calvary just a few days prior. In their praise and worship of the individual, the women could be heard saying the name Jesus repeatedly. The man reportedly vanished, and the women continued on in their journey into Jerusalem.
And because he is alive… He is offering new life to all who would believe in Him!
John 3:16 NIV
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The life we receive is made possible because of His resurrection from the grave. BECAUSE He lives, death has been defeated! BECAUSE He lives, sin has lost its power. BECAUSE He lives, we can experience a new normal, a life of deliverance and forgiveness, a reality of being called out of a place of death and into a place of eternal life!
God did NOT create you to perish in sin… God made you, to have a relationship with you… to have fellowship with you. Sin broke that fellowship and caused a separation between you and God. God did all that was necessary to bridge the gap created by our sin. But the enemy doesn’t want you to know this truth.
Since the death and resurrection of Jesus, the world has been trying to cover up what God accomplished through His Son. Don’t believe me? Look at Matthew 28:11-15. A lie was created to try to cover up the work that had been done.
Today, the world calls the Greatest Story Ever Told nothing but fairy tale and fantasy. But nothing could be further from the truth! Jesus IS alive. No matter how hard the enemy has tried, What God has done… CANNOT BE UNDONE. The work of Christ is COMPLETE. And He desires to make His work COMPLETE in you today.
What work does He desire to do in you? A work of forgiveness, deliverance, salvation, healing, restoration, renewing and redeeming. JESUS WANTS TO SET YOU FREE. And this new life… this new normal… can only be found in our living and risen Savior! Are you ready to believe? Are you ready to call on His name?
Easter is known for eggs, candy, family gatherings, and son on. But the most important part of this day is knowing that the tomb is empty. Jesus went to the cross for you. Jesus was buried in the tomb for you. Jesus walked out of the grave for you.
Through His death, He conquered our sin.
Through His burial, He took our sin to the grave.
Through His resurrection, He overcame sin, death, and the grave and offers new life.
Are you ready for a new normal of forgiveness and freedom? It’s time to call on the name of Jesus!
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