Get Up and Go

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 Today, we'll hear the story of Saul's conversion. But 1st, what is conversion? A Sunday School teacher once asked his class that question. Little Billy piped up, "It's the extra point after a touchdown." <sigh> Not that kind. We all have a story about how we converted to Christianity. Was it fear that converted us? Saul felt dizzy & went to urgent care. "You have 6 months to live." So, Saul decided to buy a really nice shirt for his funeral. "Give me a size 14." Clerk: "You need an18. Not 14." Saul insisted. "I've always worn a 14. Give me a 14." Clerk: "OK, but it'll make you dizzy." He bought an 18. Fear converted him. NT Saul had an even more dramatic conversion. He too was afraid. But I don't think fear converted him. Background helps see what did. In Acts 7:58-8:1, crowds stoned Stephen to death. Saul watched over their belongings. He approved. Let's imagine we asked Saul. Why are you so anti-Christian? "We executed a blasphemer. That crucified nobody can't be Messiah. Dt 21:23, The Law, says He's cursed because He was crucified. Curse proves it. He's not the Messiah. Being cursed, He can't be. Besides-we know the Messiah will be from Bethlehem. That fake was from Nazareth. Those who claim He's Messiah? That He's still alive? Doing miracles through them? All liars. That Nazarene isn't doing miracles through anyone. Those "miracle-workers" are tricking people. Their power for anything close to a miracle comes from Satan. Not God. That sect is dangerous. We need to wipe it out to protect good Jews from their blasphemy." We're ready for Acts 9:1-6. Ever since Stephen, 1aSaul has been breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. (The ultimate case of bad breath.) His threat isn't empty. In Acts 8:3, he's making good on it. 3Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged people off & put them in prison. The baby Christian church is in trouble. Christians fled Jerusalem. No wonder! Many even left for nearby countries. History explains what follows. Starting in 142 BC, Rome granted Israel the right of extradition from their neighbors. They could haul people back. Rome also required nearby countries to honor that right! Almost 100 years later, in 47 BC Julius Caesar reconfirmed it. He named Israel's high priest as one who could extradite people! Saul knows. So, 1bhe went to the high priest 2afor extradition letters to the Damascus synagogues. 2aIf he found anyone from Jerusalem who belonged to the Way, he could extradite them back to Jerusalem. Locked & loaded, Saul sets out for Damascus, in Syria. From Jerusalem, it's a 150-mile trek headed NE. For most of a week, he journeys. Saul thinks he's going to hunt varmints. Christians. But there's something he doesn't know. Jesus is also hunting Him! Acts 22:6 says it's 6about noon as he finally comes near Damascus. Back in our verses, that's when it happened. 3bSuddenly a light from heaven flashes around him. Remember when Jesus was transfigured? Once, men saw His glory. On that mountain top, Jesus started flashing like lightning. His face, through His clothes. Brighter than the sun. That's what blinds him. Not the noon-day sun! Saul is stunned & 4afalls to the ground. Afraid for his life. That'd be enough! Then, it gets even more amazing. He 4bhears a voice. "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" Did you ever hear the Lord speak? Were you sure who spoke? Neither is Saul. He's never heard the Lord. No one he knows has heard the Lord speak. Not for 400 years. Not since Micah, the last prophet. Still, every Jew in his day knows that any voice from heaven has to be God. But how can he be sure? He'll address God, & tentatively ask. 5a"Who are you, Lord?" Lord. Κύριος. In Greek culture, it could've been the equivalent of "your lordship", or "master." But in the NT, Κύριος is always God or Jesus. And God was Saul's master long before he became a Christian. Saul knows it's God, but the answer stuns him. 5b"I'm Jesus, whom you're persecuting." We can't know how shocked he is. Imagine what he's thinking. "Jesus is dead. I can't be persecuting him! Besides, I'm taking a stand for, You, God. I'm defending Your law. I'm defending our faith. Isn't that what I'm doing??? That's why I'm arresting blasphemers who are corrupting the faith! But You are God but say You're Jesus?? That means... he wasn't lying! He isn't a blasphemer. And we executed Him! Oh, no!!!! Jesus really is God???!!! Everything I ever thought I knew is wrong!!! How can I be persecuting Jesus? I never met Him. How can I be persecuting Him?" Saul is so stunned he keeps lying face down. Why did Jesus say that Saul is persecuting Him? Not His church. But Him? Saul won't know why until much later. But we should know. The church is Christ's body. He's in us. We're in Him, seated in heavenly places. If anyone persecutes His church, they persecute Christ. Not figuratively. Literally. Look at Mt 25:40. 40"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers & sisters of mine, you did for me." Serve any of Christ's brothers & sisters, & we serve Him. Persecute them, we persecute Him. When we look at other Christians, we should see & look for Christ in them. That's the mystery of our union with Him! One thing about God's voice. Those few times I've heard Him, His words were few. Just as now. But when God spoke, His words had an authority that stilled all competing voices inside me. Disobeying never occurred to me. Yes, that much authority. For Saul, I'm sure it was similar. 5b"I'm Jesus, whom you're persecuting." In Greek or English, just 7 words turn Saul's world upside down. Pride in being a Pharisee-a keeper of the Law? Gone. So is belief he's saved. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus. Not works. Not obedience to Law. Pride in Jewish religion? Gone. Judaism led the way to crucify Jesus. Pride in his Ivy League school of Gamaliel? Gone. If Jesus is the Messiah all he learned was wrong. Pride in being a Jew by birth? Gone. With salvation through Jesus, Jews & Gentiles are on equal footing. The world Saul had known? Gone. Soon, even the name Saul will be gone. Saul's mind begins to form questions. What now? If keeping Law won't do it, how can I be saved? If what I've believed is wrong, what should I believe? How can I ever be forgiven for killing Your followers? All Saul's questions? They'll have to wait. The heavenly voice speaks again. Once again, the authority is staggering, & the words, few. 6a"Now get up & go into the city. This is our lesson. There's a lot we want to know from God. What's next? What do I do? Which way to I go? God will treat us just as He does Saul. Obey what He's already told us. That's why God ends this way. Get up & go. When you do, 6bYou'll be told what you must do." God still does drama. In the 1920s, Sundar Singh lived in N India. As a devout young Hindu, he persecuted Christians in his village. One day as he prayed a great light appeared. Squinting into the light, he saw Jesus. He spoke to Sundar in Hindustani: "How long will you persecute me? You were praying to know the right way. I've come to save you." Totally unaware of Paul's conversion, Sundar became a believer in Jesus & became a missionary to the villages of Tibet. A spiritual leader there got upset, had him thrown into a dry well, hurting his right arm, & locked the lid. They left him to die. The bones & rotting flesh of many others lay around him. On the 3rd night, he cried out to God. Sundar then heard someone unlock & remove the lid. A voice spoke. "Grab the rope being lowered." He grabbed it with his left arm & found a loop at the bottom for his foot. He was drawn up, the lid was replaced & locked. He then looked around to thank his rescuer. No one. The fresh air revived him. His injured arm felt whole. Morning came, & Sundar Singh returned to the city where he'd been arrested. Again, he began preaching. The spiritual leader that had thrown him in the well heard, sent for him, & asked how he got out. Sundar told the story. The leader declared, "Someone stole my key & let you out!" But when he searched for the key, it was still attached to his belt! God still hunts for those that are His. He'll do His part. Will we obey when He calls? Get Up and Go! - Acts 9:1-6 Page 1 of 1
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