Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last year my family and I went on two trips across the country.
On both of these trips the same thing happened.
We got pulled over.
Some of my kids loved it, some not so much.
The thing about getting pulled over is that when you are given the okay to drive off, you move forward carefully.
Most of us do not slam the gas pedal to the floor as we pull away from the (in this case) state trooper that pulled us over.
Anytime there is a crisis point in our lives, we move forward with care.
When there are difficult events and trying times, we need to proceed with caution.
That’s what I want to talk about tonight.
As we consider my family and I moving, the church searching for a new pastor, and everything that will come with that, how do we move forward?
As we think about that, I want to go to a Biblical example of not moving forward.
Go with me to Genesis 19:12-30.
Genesis 19:12-30
Lot’s wife couldn’t move forward, she looked back and died as a result.
Lot didn’t want to obey and go to the mountains, instead he went to Zoar.
But then, he was afraid in Zoar, so he went to the mountains.
There his daughters commited incest and from them were born two nations (the Ammonites and the Moabites) that would later become enemies of Israel.
All of this because Lot and his family got stuck.
They didn’t move forward in obedience and the consequences were devastating.
Every time we know what to do, and choose to disobey, there will be consequences.
Now go with me to our passage: Romans 12:10-13.
Romans 12:10-13
The title that my Bible has for this section is “Behave Like a Christian”
This is the last Wednesday night I will be doing.
I won’t be able to be here next week, I hope to be here the week after, but I don’t know yet.
As I thought about what to share tonight, I thought of this question.
How do all of us move forward?
Here in Romans 12 Paul is transitioning from teaching doctrine to the Roman church to explaining how that doctrine should impact their lives.
What we will learn tonight is 8 requirements for moving forward.
Requirement #1…
Loving Commitment v. 10a
Romans 12:10 (NKJV)
10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love
Kindly affectionate - loving dearly; being devoted.
Loving in a way characteristic of the relationship between family members.
Brotherly love - the affection naturally befitting the relationship between siblings; especially as the affection of those who are now siblings in God’s family.
Paul is writing to a church.
He is calling us as believers to be devoted to one another!
Because we are family!
The interaction in the body of Christ is supposed to show the world how a family ought to function.
Unfortunately, churches too often present a dysfunctional family.
There is to be loving commitment in the body of Christ.
We move forward as we, in love, commit to one another.
Requirement #1: Loving Commitment.
Requirement #2…
Deferential Respect v. 10b
Romans 12:10 (NKJV)
10 in honor giving preference to one another;
Honor - value.
Highly respected or revered.
Preference - Esteem more highly.
View as first.
(participle with imperative force)
This is essentially a command.
We are to value and respect one another to the point that we put them first.
We show deferential respect.
All are to do this.
There is no one at the top of the pile, everyone deferring to them.
We all defer to one another.
We move forward when we put each other first.
Example: Where we sit in the auditorium.
Put others first!
Let young families sit in the back so they can take their kids out if they need to.
If you can’t hear, don’t complain about it while sitting in the back!
Sit up front.
Requirement #1: Loving Commitment.
Requirement #2: Deferential Respect.
Requirement #3…
Eager Service v. 11
Everything in this verse points to how we serve the lord.
“Not lagging in diligence” is the idea that we are not lazy, but eager to serve.
Paul takes it a step further with the phrase “fervent in Spirit”.
The idea here is of enthusiasm or excitement.
Not just eager to serve, but excited to serve.
Eagerness and enthusiasm.
That’s what this is about.
We do not serve grudgingly, we serve out of loyalty.
Serving - douleuo be a slave.
Bondservant of Christ.
- How do we view ourselves?
Do we think God needs us?
He wants us, but we are His slaves.
Purchased possessions of the King.
It should not be a question of if we will serve but how we will serve.
We move forward as we serve the Lord with eager enthusiasm.
Requirement #1: Loving Commitment.
Requirement #2: Deferential Respect.
Requirement #3: Eager Service.
Requirement #4…
Confident Rejoicing v. 12a
Romans 12:12 (NKJV)
12 rejoicing in hope
Rejoicing - Feel happiness or joy.
Be glad.
Hope - Expectation that a desire will be fulfilled.
We rejoice in our hope.
We rejoice in the confident expectation that our desire will be fulfilled!
Our confident expectation is of God keeping His promises.
He will do what He has promised.
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