Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Bible Trivia
Who was the shepherd prophet?
What was the name of Moses’ wife?
What tribe of Israel was Paul from?
Tribe of Benjamin (So Paul wasn’t Jewish)
Which 3 Bible Characters had no parents?
Adam, Eve, Joshua - son of Nun
Know the Lord
Knowledge is necessary.
Biblical knowledge is needed.
Knowing about God is truly important!
Recap: Hosea and Gomer - still a better love story than Twilight.
What does restoration look like?
This restoration… you shall know the Lord.
Biblical “knowledge”
“Yd’” Yada.
(Like yada, yada, yada: I know, I know, I know).
It is to “know” cognitively, and experientially, to understand, it goes deep.
It is head, heart and body.
Like… as in .. this gets intimate.
What does it mean when we say “He got to know her in the Biblical sense?”
If you didn’t know before, know you do.
Sex, to be clear.
“Carnal knowledge.”
That’s in the range of meaning.
And it isn’t what the word means every time it shows up… but look at the living metaphor God is using throughout Hosea.
Israel is the wife, God is the husband, the wife keeps betraying her husband sexually, God keeps restoring her to the marriage.
This is intimate language.
And when God uses a metaphor, especially as often as he uses the family as a metaphor for His love for His beloved… God doesn’t grab easy metaphors; He creates them.
Family, Husband and Wife, isn’t a convenient metaphor God grabs to explain how He is.
It is created in His image: male and female He created them.
I will betroth you to me in faithfulness.
And you shall know the Lord.
This isn’t just trivia knowledge.
It is deep, it is relational, it is passionate, it is intimate.
He wants His people to “know” him. .
This thread of “knowledge” winds all the way through what God says through Hosea.
His people, Israel, his bride… doesn’t know Him.
Not Knowing God
A root of much sin.
Maybe even all sin?
This is part of the root of Israel’s issue.
They don’t know God.
If they did, they wouldn’t pursue all these other idols and sin of every kind.
Destroyed for lack of “knowledge.”
It’s tragic, really… ignorance.
They don’t know.
They don’t know God, how much He loves, how much He desires to love his people, to know and be known… they don’t know His holiness, His peace, His grace, His mercy, His power.
They don’t know.
They don’t know His forgiveness.
Their deeds don’t really prevent them from returning, God makes that clear enough in his language of redemption, of cleansing, of forgiving and restoring.
But they “know not the Lord.”
And they don’t know the radical grace and mercy of God.
So often we forget that too.
And so… what do we do when we don’t know something?
We find out.
And so Hosea, who does seem to know God, calls his people back.
That first one is a different word for “know”.
To “search for”, to “ask for”.
It is more cognitive, less intimate.
Let’s start to seek, start to know… then that presses on, it leads to the deeper greater knowledge, the yada.
You know what gets in the way of getting to know someone?
Thinking you already know them.
I Already Know Him
They claim knowledge… but they don’t.
And this is where we get the phrase “reap the whirlwind.”
Empty words.
It has no cost (it seems).
This is an epidemic in our culture (if not in every age).
Man makes god in their own image.
Designer custom gods.
Soap box coming.
I believe this or that.
I like a God who would never do this or that.
I like to think God is like a summer morning.
I don’t like this part of the Bible.
I don’t like Paul.
I don’t like Lamentations.
I really do prefer to tiptoe past the parts about judgment and condemnation and punishment.
Here’s the problem with that: God is who He actually is.
And we seek to discover Him as He actually is.
And making stuff up ISN’T HELPFUL!
The Alien God
Take it out of the “God” space for a minute, because there is so much baggage in that word.
A space alien has appeared above the planet.
He is demonstrably powerful.
He demonstrates this by destroying governments from the sky, Independence Day, laser blasts.
Other leaders he kills more quietly.
Some nations he gives advanced technologies and they suddenly have food and flying cars and no more sick people.
And then you get a phone call.
“Hey, this is the Supreme Ruler.
Let’s chat.”
It is in your best interest to get to know the actual YHWH.
As He actually is.
And drop your pet theories about how you wish He was.
There is no one else.
There is no other God.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9