Sermon Tone Analysis

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In Chapter 10 Luke
How are you feeling?
woow woow !
come on this is a joyful chapter
So much joy - The 72/Jesus full on Joy
British funny relationship with Joy Bill Bailey
We can sway on the side of negativity bad day see the bad side -
I used to pray against Joy - story
in a weary time the world seems weary/cranky - traffic - weather - kids - spouse - no spouse
I approach this in a season of low - challenged with this subject so this is the start of a journey - journey with me
Jesus experienced a range of emotion - a man of sorrows - he wept - celebration - while we are not called to walk around with a fake smile on us
True joy is available to us at a depth many of us have not gone to
When low people look for joy in partners, places, achievement “when i do this/get that/reach this goal/event” , looks, health, wealth, experiences
Our Joy is not found in things/people/places our joy has to come from something/someone else the Good news is we know who that is and his name is Holy spirit.
So lets delve in this passage - what do we learn about real joy - how so we too can pursue joy to the full
simply 3 points for the source of our joy then going to look practically at what we can do to pursue joy in our own live:
He Wins :
First thing we learn : We can have Joy because Jesus wins
72 return -pumped full of JOY joy misdirected joy - pumped - jesus joyful with them brings them into focus
Peal - pocketing the pear and rejoicing over the old shell
1st Jesus responds bad news we have an enemy - did you know we have an enemy - sometimes we forget to factor in that someone is trying to take us out - why god are you tempting me!
Satan is at war against God - it gets worse - war against us - seeking to steal , kill and destroy - to fool, deceive, rob you of your joy
errr Tammy wheres the Joy????
good news reason for Joy God wins the victory is in Jesus - Jesus Defeated Satan - He was there form the beginning - before the beginning of time/creation Adam and eve - seen it all -I was there
Good news Jesus comes to earth to Battle Stan there - God become man to fight how we should fight - Ultimate good news - jesus goes on to destroy , defeat, disarm satan at the Cross - he dies in our place cancels our debt crushes our enemy ...... that’s really really good news
Doesn’t stop there - More good news: if we are in Christ - we are in a position of authority the victory is our handed down kept in the family - mind blown
72 blown away that they are able to command satan and demons away in Jesus name ...and they listen!
people are healed/freed, restored and saved they are so excited by that and so should we be you and i in Jesus have the same authority - not of ourselves but delegated to us from Him
Disciples blown away - bad news we have an enemy / really bad hes against us = Good news Jesus in authority over him/ really good news jesus gives us that authority… then he says i have something better for you.....
Your names are written in heaven!!! on the list -
have you ever not made the grade - on the team made the cut - not so here
fix our joy - like pearls and the shell
He is almighty God but He want to put you on his list - to save you, love you, restore you bless you
If you are a christian here today your name is on that list - something to be joyful about huh!
joy - He wins - his victory - we have His authority - he puts our names on His list … We can have joy because we know God..
We have Joy because we know God
in that same hour jesus rejoiced in ....... Holy spirit…
Geldenhuys says that the ancient Greek word for rejoiced is “referring to exceptional rejoicing and exultation.”
Jesus rejoiced strongly; but He also rejoiced deeply (in the Spirit).
Jesus is exceeding full of joy - not in His circumstances - walking from Galilee to jerusalem … raggidy bunch of misfits - hounded by others pressure to perform, not knowing where next meal is coming from - homeless - destination death!
Hi Joy is in Holy spirit and his prayer reveals the Joy that we too can have in the revelation that we get to know God -
First right here we have whole trinity right here - Father son Holy spirit, Praise to
Praise to the Father , Jesus the Son modeling relationship and connection empowered by Holy Spirit.
Many have modeled God as a miserable God - God joyful really?
have yo seen his followers????
School assemblies talking celebration - the joy of salvation lost son, wedding feast God is a God of Joy - deep lasting Joy of that connection and Jesus Here reveals how we are to see him as Father - the perfect father - whatever you have experience as a father - God is our perfect father -
Jesus reveals his unity with with the father / His relationship with t he father and right here the Good news How God allows us to have some part in that relationship with Him
Secret revealed - we get to know God through Jesus - no one comes tot he Father except through me - you want to know God then know Jesus if you know Jesus then you know God -if you think you know God but don’t recognise Jesus then you are missing it and you don’t really know God .. full on join us on Monday book club!!!
Do you know Jesus he love you so much and is revealing himself you to right now - gone is the separation from God because of Jesus and what he did you are adopted into His family - with all the family inheritance and benefit to have knowledge and access to the father
We can have Joy rejoice because the kingdom is coming
Your kingdom come your will be done - open your eyes
In this exciting moment - he huddles them together - team talk -
Open your eyes - saying to the disciples - all that stuff from the OT open your eyes i am fulfilling it - this is it its happening - it was all about me -
Awe struck joy wow God you let me be part of this - part of what you are doing
You and i are even more privileged - we have seen jesus conquer death - raise from the dead ascend into heaven reigning and ruling -
One way God increase our Joy is when our eyes are open to see and look for the evidence of Gods grace favour in our lives in the life of this church right now
do you see the baptisms of young people coming to god
perfect strangers favour gifting soup van
healing prophecy and revelation
people walking off the street offering houses
lives being touched - finding sanctuary
Jesus right here wanting to pull you aside and say look what God is doing in your midst - loving, adopting, saving showering us with favour … should fill us with joy
Confession - preach by someone in the journey with you in joy preaching from a dry place in the joy department
So practically some points for us to cultivate joy that i have learned and am learning
Joy goes up
Sufficient time in His word - know the truth absorb - meditate - Holy spirit inspired word of God - food quality time - jesus often withdrew - time to breathe - focus - God i want to hear you - he says great i’m right here - turn off your phone close your computer down turn off the tv - stop facebooking how depressed you are
2. attitude of gratitude - Philippians 4 8-9 enjoy what i have and live generously
Joy goes up when i quit comparison and rejoice in the joy of others.
Comparison robs you of your joy
3. joy goes up when we repent - turn let go of sin i have been convicted of - remove the barriers to the fullness of God in your life -what sin do you need to repent of - ask God to search your heart - reveal anything in you that doesn't reflect His glory - and humble yourself
4 -hows your serving - Bible says Holy Spirit gives each of us gifts - encouragement - admin - teaching - cleaning musical ability ....are you doing what God made you to do are you - you have no joy so we say i need people to serve me .... but you will receive joy in giving out of what Holy Spirit gives you - fresh outpouring - not stagnant pond
5 - joy is held back by unforgiveness - yourself / others be rid of bitterness, resentment the weight of unforgiveness
6.Pay attention to your health - not that God is far away - but if you are not eating/sleeping /exercising looking after your body or suffering from ill health don’t know about you but when i’m tired .. i’m…well-
7. remember joy is just one emotion we hear in the word that jesus was a man of sorrows - he wept , familiar with suffering - we see hi get angry, frustrated and tired and we see here his exceedingly great joy. the is a whole full range of emotions to experience all good in its right time - but when joy comes, grab it pursue it embrace it , love it be joyful and thankful in the gift of Holy Spirit
8. obedience - joy goes up when i respond physically trusting that my emotions will follow - some days i don’t feel like getting up to read my bible - raise my hands in worship - get on my knees in prayer - don’t feel like logging on to pray - turn up to church .. sing like my heart would explode but you do step in show up cultivate that relationship and joy with flow
So in this account of Jesus grabbing a moment of joy - in a circumstance that should normally warrant joy we are going stand on His truth -we have a chance to acknowledge the base line to our lives -
That we are His - our names are written in heaven - he has won the victory is His and he bestows it to us!
WE get to know God through Jesus and all He has done
WE get to see is hand in action in all all around us and be part of it!
WE are going to worship now
First act in joining as a family to take communion the victory meal - serious - if you are a believer if you acknowledge that Jesus as God died for you to pay for your sin, if you have repented turned from your sin in submission to jesus so you can know god your father then lets join together
Some of you don’t know him - maybe jesus has revealed himself to you today and you want to turn to him we would love for you to come to the from so we can pray with you and for you to join in communion with us -
Then we will worship - don’t hold back whatever your are feeling be obedient to the manner he is worthy of our praise worship and adoration .. the emotion will catch up in your obedience to him.
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