Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Historical Context: Part of God’s mysterious will is that He had Jesus redeem, to satisfy God’s wrath.
Jesus because a substitute and took on our sins.
The point is to the praise of God!
We should be praising God for His provision of a redemptions.
God was the offended part, and God provided according to the riches of His grace
Proposition: Praise God because He desired to gather all things under Christ.
God gave us wisdom to understand His eschatological dispensation of Christ’s lordship.
I. God graciously gives us Wisdom and Insight v. 8
1:8 Paul wrote on the manner of how God provided the grace.
The verse that we have before has punctuation marks but verses 3-14 is one long sentence that speaks of the provision of God’s grace.
“which” (ης Gen. Fem.
Sg.) points back to “grace” (χαριτος Gen. Fem.
Sg.) which belongs to God.
It is God’s grace.
“caused to abound” (ἐπερίσσευσεν Aor.
3rd Sg.) – “α.
be more than enough, be left over” (BDAG, s.v.
“περισσεύω,” 805).
God put grace on His chosen, adopted children grace that was more than enough!
This is a tremendous comfort to the believer because God knew the total sum of your sin and He gave over what was needed!
How has God lavished His graces on them?
Paul mentions two things:
“all wisdom” (παση σοφια) – “1. the capacity to understand and function accordingly, wisdom.”
(BDAG, s.v.
“σοφία,” 934).
“insight” (φρονήσει) – “1. the faculty of thoughtful planning, way of thinking, (frame of) mind” (BDAG, s.v.
“φρόνησις,” 1066).
IS God using all His wisdom to bestow the grace or is God giving the believer all kinds of wisdom and discretion?
The prepositional phrase does not mean that God had to use all His wisdom and insight to give grace,
Rather, on top of choosing, predestinating, redeeming, God graciously gave wisdom and insight.
By Graciously giving us Wisdom and Insight v. 8
How does one get this wisdom and insight?
In the movie Pinocchio, there was a cricket named Jiminy Cricket.
He tried hard to steer Pinocchio in the right direction, but Pinocchio just did not seem to listen.
In the old Tom and Jerry cartoons, there would be a “devil” Tom and a “angel” Tom.
And they would try to persuade Tom to do either something good or bad.
How do we get this wisdom and insight?
I am going to develop a theological thought, and not an exegetical because we are not at the point in the text where Paul will tell us about how we get the wisdom and insight.
A. God gave His Spirit
John 16:13-15 Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit and told His disciples that when He left, He would send the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit will:
“He will guide” (ὁδηγήσει Fut.
3rd Sg.) – “1. to assist in reaching a desired destination, lead, guide,” (BDAG, s.v.
“ὁδηγέω,” 690).
A good guide takes a person to get a full experience.
“He will glorify” (δοξάσει Fut.
3rd Sg.) – “1. to influence one’s opinion about another so as to enhance the latter’s reputation, praise, honor, extol” (BDAG, s.v.
“δοξάζω,” 258.)
The Holy Spirit is given to the believer to guide them on how to live so that their life will glorify Jesus.
B. God gave His Word
2 Tim.
3:16-17 tells us that the word of God has the purpose of making the believer perfect.
The Spirit of God, takes the Word of God, to glorify the Son of God for the praise of God.
Knowledge of God’s Word does not equal wisdom and discernment.
Wisdom and insight is a step past knowledge.
How should you read?
Read God’s Word to get to know God!
This is His revelation of His person, character, attributes, purpose, and plan.
Read to get to know God by practicing these three steps:
Observe the text: We are not in a dispensation where information in just uploaded into your brain.
We are disciple individuals to teach them.
So they need to look at the text.
Notice the subject, verb, prepositional phrases, look at the sequence of events, consider the characters, plot, resolution, on and on, make lots of observations.
The more observations that you have then you will able to better do step two.
Interpret the text: If you have not made observations of the text, i.e. what genre, etc. go back to step one.
What did the author intend to communicate with this text to the original audience?!
You are looking to understand the authorial intent.
Application: People do one of two things will application.
They jump to this point before they have observed or interpreted.
And when they cannot find an application to whatever they are going through they put the text down as if it were worthless.
Or they skip this section.
As in, they feel that they just need to know the text.
But if you do not apply the text you have failed the purpose of the text.
The text has the purpose of making your perfect.
This is where wisdom and insight come in to the picture.
You are to take ancient texts, and apply them to living in this present culture.
There are a thousand things the Scriptures do not address that you must have wisdom and insight to live out in a way that glorifies God.
C. God gave the Church
Col. 3:12-17 Paul addressed the believers in a church setting.
And they were supposed to be forgiving one another and admonishing one so that everything you do is to be done in the name of Jesus.
“In the name of Jesus” basically means doing things of which He would approve!
As in doing things for His glory.
Many times we have blindspots in our sanctification.
Other believers help us by being involved in each other’s lives.
We model Christian living and we learn Christian living by doing life in community.
By Graciously giving us Wisdom and Insight v. 8 God gave us His Spirit, His Word and the Church
So what are we supposed to do?
Know that you have been blessed with wisdom and insight
Wisdom and insight work best when there is a pool of knowledge from which to make a decision.
Wise decisions are affected by the knowledge you have.
So start gathering information know.
Start learning more and more about God now.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9