The Humble Gods Exalted

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I see you. Yeah, she's getting me. She's giving me the eye. She's yeah, that's what Dan said we should have stayed home. I love it. I love it. I'm going to talk and maybe do a lesson that's more topical and stead of more expositional verse by verse by verse

Expositional is more of a dive into each scripture line by line by line, okay? And the topical is just that it's a topic and then it has supporting scripture for that topic but and if you want more after that, weight will tell you more or Robby. But as I was last few weeks, been studying in and came across

The characteristic of a humble Christian and and started reading scripture about that. And and I just want to share with you what God has laid on my heart from from that topic. What I call the humble God's exalted, The Humble God's exalted. Let's look at James chapter 4, James Chapter 4, verses 1 through 10. James check for we did have scripture along with this Daryl on the slides.

Oh sorry. Okay, for 1 through 10. What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you?

Is not the source, your pleasures that wage war in your members. You lust and do not have so you commit murder, you are envious. And cannot obtain. So, you fight and coral. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive. Why? Because you ask with wrong motives?

so that you may spend it on your pleasures, You adulterous. Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world. Makes himself an enemy of God. Will that strong language? Or do you think that the scripture speaks to no purpose? He jealously desires the spirit which he has made to dwell in US?

Here's our key versus here. But he gives a Greater Grace.

Therefore, it says God is opposed to the proud. But gives grace to the humble.

He goes on and says submit therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to. You cleanse your hands, you Sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned into morning and your joy to Gloom. And here, he says, humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you

Studying that scripture made me think a little bit that that, you know, through the through the world's eyes today through the lenses of the world, many people have the wrong attitude or perception about that word. Humble don't they?

a lot of people in today's world think that being humble, Equates to Bean week.

However, listen to be humble. Actually takes more emotional strength, physical strength, mental fortitude. Then I easy prideful reaction.

In addition. Prideful people. Are easily defensive people.

It is much harder to restrain or suppress a natural reaction. I've let then lashing out in anger. It's hard.

They end up prideful, people usually end up making harmful. And regretful decisions during difficult circumstances.

however, in contrast of that, Those that walk with God. And our of a humble spirit. Are far less likely to be defensive. And they make better decisions during Troublesome times. Now when I was going through some of some of this and study, and I went through the whole science aspect of that, right knee. Really, what makes a person go.

What's a natural instinct? God made it that way. And there's a, there's a component deep inside the core of your brain called the amygdala at McDonald's. Like, okay, I had to look that up on Google. Pronounce it. I make dollar. OK? And there's this whole thing, we're just blood draws takes blood away from your stomach and it moves it over into your muscles in it and it's the adrenaline starts to flow and it starts to Cloud your decision-making. MS. Blood pressure. Heart rate. You know how many we can relate to that? You've been there. You like it......... I can't many times many times, right? It's not good. Okay. It's there for a purpose. It's there for defense mechanisms, right. I designed it that way, but in difficult situations with especially, with each others. The old adage of count to 10. Before you react is really a good thought there. But listen.

Being humble. Being of a humble disposition. Is really a great strength. It's really a great strength. a man by the name of Samuel brengle who was an early Salvation Army official was once introduced as the great doctor Grendel brindle and he later in his diary wrote, this,

If I appear great and their eyes. The Lord is most graciously, helping me to see how absolutely nothing I am without him.

And helping me to keep little in my own eyes. He said this, he does use me. But I am so concerned that he uses me and that it is not of me, the work is done.

I like this analogy, the Yaks cannot boast of the trees. It has cut down. You can do nothing but for The Woodsman. He made it. He sharpened it. And he used it. The moment he throws it aside. It becomes only old iron. oh, that I may never lose sight of this, Samuel bringle said that listen, as we look into the word of God, I want to see just a few things regarding that disposition of being humble from a Christian view, okay? If we're going to be humble first, a Christian must deny themselves. They must deny themselves. Let's look at Luke 9:23. Luke 9:23.

And he was saying to them, all this is Jesus. Speaking, if anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself.

And take up his cross daily and follow me.

If you're going to be a humble Christian, you must deny yourself. When coming to the Shaving knowledge of of our Lord Jesus Christ, you had to deny yourself.

I listen, this is not an option. For salvation. Jesus said, he must. Deny himself.

Say what? What are you talkin about deny himself? Deny yourself.

To deny oneself. What I mean there is to deny oneself of one's, maybe possessions status. Personal gain.

And so on and so on, in order to grow and Holiness and commitment to God. And look, this practice of the nine yourself is commended and it is illustrated by Jesus Christ himself.

It is the practice of the 91 self. Which underlies the Christian Fellowship within his church.

It is the practice of the 91 self. It doesn't mean that you can't have those things, right? You can't have.

possessions or Earthly things or money or The title. Okay, doesn't mean any of that. But really, what it mean is, it's the idea that anything in your life

Or in this world.

That has pre-eminence above God.

In plain terms.

They are meaningless to you. They are meaningless. Should I lose them? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Look at Philippians, chapter 3 verses 7 & 8.

Philippians 3 verses 7 through 8. But, whatever things were gained to me, this is Paul talking, I love this, he says, but whatever things were gain to me, those things, I have counted as loss. Why for the sake of Christ? But he says, more than that, I count all things to be lost in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus. My Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of what all things and count them, but rubbish. So that I may gain Christ. Will those powerful words? Powerful words. Why? Because our happiness lies within our relationship with Jesus, rather than our relationship with this world or anything. This world has to offer.

Christian to be a humble Christian. You must deny yourself.

Leonard Bernstein. If you don't know this about me by now I like it was gracious. Okay. I know it's not everybody staying but I like okay, Linda Bernstein, the celebrated Orchestra conductor Was asked. What is the hardest instrument to play? And he replied without hesitation. Well, that's easy. Second fiddle.

He said I can always get plenty of first violinist but to find the one who plays second violin with as much enthusiasm or second French horn on our second flute. That's a problem. He said, but here's the reality of it. If no one plays second. We have no Harmony.

Well, that's that's a lot of Truth there. Now. Musically. We sing in a quartet. We've singing quartets. Four years, right? There's four parts. Typically, you always here? Whoever's got the melody. That's the lead. You've always that person and a mix are singing is always going to be out in front of the other vocals because you have to have the melody to build upon it.

You have the tenor, the baritone, the bass, all three of those parts are very distinguishable distinguishable but one of those parts gets lost in the whole mix. And that's the baritone. Most people. Would not even realize that the baritone part is there, unless you had to hone in on that exact part. But it really is the glue that brings it all together. Without the baritone part, you can tell it at it and is there, and it's like manage whole, but I don't think that's a sign of a good baritone. We were blessed to have great baritone singers. That just saying right up underneath the lead a thing right there in between

And it made the group blend perfectly. Oh my God, give us men and women who earnestly seek to deny themselves.

For the cause of Christ. So we say that a humble Christian denies himself, but also a humble Christian get this Is rich in God's grace? I'll man, I love this. James chapter 4, verse 5 & 6, James chapter 4, verse 5 & 6. He says Or do you think that the scripture speaks to no purpose? He jealously desires the spirit. Which he has made to dwell in US. First number 6, but he gives a Greater Grace. therefore, it says, God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

God's grace. Is readily available for the humble Christian. It's a pin for say to God's grace and you know what? God's grace is right? It's the appropriately. It's the free. Unmerited love and favor of God. It is the spring and the source of all the benefits we receive from him.

Listen, we think so many times. We see God's grace on People, based on our Earthly eyes, our perception of people Most of the time it's the materialistic things, right? God bless that look at that truck or you know I got a mansion or you know whatever whatever the case is whether president or CEO or whatever. So many Earthly things that we see with our eyes. But with the humble Christian it's different you may never see. The great amount of Grace revealed under them.

Why? Because they are humble. They know that the only reason they are standing, the only reason they are breathing, the only reason they have whatever it is that they have is only by the grace of God.

That's the case for any of us. Butthole how easy it is for us to lose sight of that.

And because they are humble.

They dare not boast of anything that is attributed unto them.

As if they did anything to deserve it.

Is it worked hard for what? I have. Absolutely, I get it right. I don't tell you something, there's a lot of people all over this world that work hard hard. And they don't have what it's available to you and United States. It's cuz you work hard, doesn't mean anything. What you? What you have is all there by the grace of God.

understand this, if we received Grace, Based on what we think we deserve. Our bank account of Grace would be bankrupt. With no deposits from above. A humble Christian. Relies solely upon god. Let's look at 1st Thessalonians. Chapter 2, first Thessalonians, chapter 2 verses 3 through 6.

For exportation does not come from error or impurity or by way of Deceit.

But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with a gospel so we speak. Not as pleasing, man. I love this. But God who examines our hearts for? We never came with flattering speech. That is something that you will definitely get from me. Okay? It's not going to be my, my talented speech, whatever. As you can see, As you know, nor with a pretext for greed, God is Witness. Now like listen this nor did we seek Glory from Men? Either from you or from anybody else, from others?

Humble man. Are looking or not looking for the praise of man. Because I understand that they are Unworthy of any favor. And I Proclaim with meekness of spirit to God, be the glory for he has done great things. Listen, Samuel Morse. Was born into a preacher's home. Is that his name was Jedidiah Morse. and I was a,

Preacher Pastor in the early years learned under Jonathan Edwards.

And Sammy Morris was born in Preachers, home in New England. Just two years after George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States and after finishing his education at Yale. He went to England to hone his painting skills. Wow. Upon his return to America. He was recognized as a gifted artist and was soon in much, demand matter fact, you read a little bit about him. You found out. He painted many presidents and I'm he's got some very famous paintings out there, right? his first wife died while he was away from home, painting in Washington DC, He did not receive the news until it was too late.

In his heart break.

He turned away from painting and began, trying to develop a means of Rapid communication over great distances. This eventually led to discovery of the Telegraph. Telegraph. Despite his Fame and many others that came his way Morris wasn't proud or even boastful. In a letter to his second wife, he wrote this. The more I contemplate, this great undertaking, the more I feel my own littleness in the more I perceive the hand of God in it. And how he has assigned to various persons their duties. He being the great controller. And all others is honored instruments. Ants are dependents. First of all, on God, then, on each other. We walk in Pride and are considered regarding our talents or our accomplishments. We are demonstrating that we do not understand or appreciate the role that God hold and everything we do.

None of us are able to succeed in our own strength or wisdom.

Listen, just, just getting up here and speaking tonight, or even in Sunday school, or let me matter what class now, wait till she has my personality, right? I'm a little quirky and analytical, okay? But I have a natural fear that I'm going to say something wrong or do something wrong. I want to study, I want to I want to be approved of him. I want to say the right thing.

I don't want to leave somebody in the wrong way. It's a serious, it's a serious undertaking.

But listen, it's not about me. It's not about what I can do. It's all about God and my dependence upon him.

God, that makes what we do possible. So a humble Christian denies himself. A humble Christian is rich in God's grace but lastly a humble Christian Will be exalted. In due time. Will be exalted in due time. Luke chapter 18. This look at Luke chapter 18 verses 10 through 14. Your Jesus is talking, he says two men, went up to the temple to pray. One Affair. See in the other attacks collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself. God, I thank you that I am not like other people swindlers on Just A daughter's this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I paid as of all that I get. But the tax collector standing some distance away. Was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven. But was beating his breath saying, God, be merciful to me The Sinner.

Jesus's I tell you. this man went to his house Justified rather than the other For everyone who exalts himself. Will be humbled, but he who humbles himself. Will be exalted. All those are powerful, powerful words. And when I read the scripture, regarding the Pharisee and and the prayer that he had prayed a scripture reference was recalled to Matt mind. Regarding the fall of Lucifer. Listen to this and Isaiah chapter 14.

but you said in your heart, talking to Lucifer, I will Ascend to Heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the Mount of assembly in the recesses of the North. I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds will make myself like the most high.

What was the key word that the Pharisee used in his prayer? I, What was in Lucifer's?

Cuz I'm telling you is it dangerous? And it is so easy for us to do. In our Earthly bodies, in our Earthly nature, to just be consumed with our self, to be consumed with I, and what I did, and what I did this, I gave you this. I, I served here, I did this. I deserve this.

I said anything in this in this church or any local church or anything that we do is for the glory of God, it is not about any of us. It is about him.

Jesus States firmly. Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled

But he who humbles himself. Will be exalted. Look at 1st Peter, chapter 5, verses 5 through 6. He says the younger men, likewise be subject to your elders and all of you mean, elders and young men, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another

For God is opposed to the proud. But gives grace to the humble. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you what at the proper time. There's a time appointed for it.

He said, humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time? God doesn't make his move when we say move,

God makes his move when he says move. That is very important. I am a I'm telling you guys I will tell him myself right here. Right now I am king of this. Russia softened. Go do it and get ahead of. The do something that I shouldn't have been open doors that I should not have opened.

It's not good. anytime I've exalt exalted myself, Natalia. I was humbled.

Just trying to be real with you tonight.

Most of the time if not all the time, the humble Christian honestly never sees it coming. Anytime. Open the door for me. In my life, I was not expecting it. It's not something I was looking for. He just did it. In his time.

They don't even know that it actually was about to happen. You know why? Because they were not focused on themselves.

Last illustration, d.l. moody d.l. moody was, was the most famous one of the most famous evangelist in the world in the late 1800s. People came from around the world to attend his Bible conferences in Northfield Massachusetts. One year, A large group of pastors from Europe, were among the attendees. And they were given rooms in the dormitory at the Bible School. As was the custom in Europe. The men put their shoes outside the door of their room. Expecting them to be cleaned and Polished by servants during the night. Of course, there were no servants in American dorms. But as Moody was walking through the halls and praying for his guess, he saw the shoes and realized what had happened.

He mentioned the problem to a few of his students. But none of them offered to help. Without another word, the great evangelist gathered up the shoes, and took them back to his own room where he began to clean and polish each pair.

Moody told no one would had done. But a friend who interrupted him in the middle of shine and the shoes. And help him finish the tasks later told the story of what it happened.

Despite the praise and the fame that Moody received. Because of God's blessings on his life and Ministry. Moody remained a humble, man.

Simple Man. Proverbs 1:33. Proverbs 1:33.

Let another praise you. And not your own mouth. Stranger and not your own lips.

Jesus Christ, the son of God, the king of Heaven. Had the right to all honor. Praise worship.

Yet to be our savior. He laid all his privileges aside and became a lowly lowly servant. The Supreme example of humility. For us. All. All that we may desire to be a humble Christian to be of a humble disposition. I know that's a prayer in my life. I need that. I want that.

God can use Barrel. Baptist Church greatly. if he has people, That have died to themselves. Under his grace.

It's awesome. All right. So I hope that was a help to you tonight.

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