Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
You know, we started to get there today.
And the name of my messages wanted.
An intoxicated Church.
Come on now, give me a give me a Give me your hands.
Oh Lord.
This is what we need.
We need Any Chris thinking?
One way go the other way?
Because I'm not talkin about it's the way you first.
Heavenly Father coming from 18 and be not drunk with wine.
Wherein is excess with the Holy Spirit.
Now I'm going to need some of your help today or you're not going to make me stand up here and worship and praise the Lord alone but, you know, us Pentecostals are known for a lively Church.
And I'm telling you to push everything that's holding you back away all don't look to the left, don't look to the right but I just want you to focus on your lord and savior.
We Believe In Worship in spirit and in truth for 2324 Petit.
Ours, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth With the father seeks such to worship him.
God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit, and in truth, We just don't want to worship our Lord and savior, but we want to worship Him in true, true, worshippers not only Worship in spirit, but they worship in the truth.
John 8:32 says, you need shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Thank God for the truth.
Thank God for the truth, cuz now we have a reason to worship.
You see, truth, separates light from dark to separate good from Evil to separate the sheep from the goats.
The Justified from the guilty and the holy from the Unholy.
And we believe in worshiping our Lord.
According to what dictates in our own hearts.
Come on now Church stomping.
What's the word jumped in?
Whether it's at 7, whether we're raising our best or whether we're running up and down the aisles Man, you see? it's not so important how you worship, but it's if you're truly worshipping, what really matters is your lord, God loves worship, he seeks your worship, our Lord and savior who were raised to praise
Psalm 150:6 says let everything that has breath.
Praise the Lord Praise, ye the Lord.
Let everything that has breath.
Praise the Lord.
Let everything that has breath.
Praise the Lord church.
I said let everything that has breath.
Praise the Lord.
And when the Praises go up, the glory will come down.
And that's where you will find your God.
2nd Corinthians 3:16 Says.
Now the Lord is that spirit And where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.
There is power has raised.
Before I said, Miracle happens when the Praises go up.
He told his followers to wait until that happens.
Wait for the promise that I made through Joel a long time ago.
And Joe 228, says, it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my spirit upon All Flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream, your young men shall, see visions.
God says, I'm going to open up a winery in heaven.
I'm going to let the people take the new one.
They can taste it and see the riches of my grace and Glory.
They drank from the cup, they came staggering out of the address.
Put an axe to 13.
Others mocking said, these men are full of know why it's only 9 a.m. in the morning and let your store didn't even open yet.
They just went up to Joe's Place.
And we got drunk.
But it's not like, you think.
They were drunk on the Holy Ghost and there's nothing like it.
It will make you happy without the hangover.
It's free and it will never run out.
You can have all you want.
anybody and everybody can have some That's good.
38397 Peters, send unto them, repent, and be baptized everyone of you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Promise is unto you and your children and to all that are afar off.
Even as many as the Lord, Our God shall call.
And not be drunk with wine.
Wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit.
so I'm telling you, leave Jack Daniels, and Jim Beam behind Budweiser
Funny when it comes to the new wine, go crazy with it.
We needed a cicada Church.
You see Americans in South Americans, they spend Millions.
On the alcohol.
Every year.
Some drink casually.
And some are alcoholics.
Alcoholics and alcohol is responsible for marriage has ruined careers suffering.
Children car wrecks misery and death and disease but Christians don't need it.
We have switched over to the new wine.
We haven't switched over to the new one.
We need to get drunk in the spirit.
We need a spiritually drunk Church.
So we had more spiritually, drunk in members.
We wouldn't have so many alcohol, drunk people.
We need some spiritually, drunk singers.
We need some spiritually drunk musicians.
We need some spiritual.
We need some spiritually drunk.
We need some spiritually, drunk preachers.
And I'm not going to leave myself out today.
You know, why there's so many troubled people in our churches.
They haven't been spiritually drunk in a while.
How we can sit quietly in the movie of God of Gods?
He needs to get a fifth of joy.
I don't know who, I don't know what you came to do, but I came to praise the Lord.
All right, he's never did always wants more.
You just can't wait for the next Sunday service.
A drunk man doesn't feel.
No pain, a man in the car crash.
He's so Lucy.
Just, you know, it's a tragedy to the other person that gets hurt because a drunk man is so loose.
He just flies right out of the car, but when you get spiritually drunk enough, nobody can hurt you, you man, and there's always a happy hour.
Spiritually drunk to worry about you.
Come on now.
< .5
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