Abortion Worldviews: Pro-Life

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Abortion Worldviews  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  48:25
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Topical Sermon (morning worship) #1 Defenders of Humanity... #2 Protectors Against Insanity... #3 Helpers in the Midst of Tragedy... Preacher: Daniel Pelichowski

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Well, as we draw. Our series on the sanctity of life here to a close. I think there's no better way for us to end them to challenge. Assal, including me. About how we should respond if we have determined in our hearts, that life in the womb is worthy to be valued as fellow human being wonderfully created by God. if you believe that, And I hope you do.

Then that means that you and I and all of us who hold to that. Believe in the pro-life worldview. But as we seen before world use, or only as strong as our actual convictions, right? Convictions that lead action. Because if we say that, we believe in something like human dignity, for instance. But then, when push comes to shove, we live in Acton do things that are contradictory to our claims then. Do we actually believe what we say? Do we Certainly not, I don't think that we do if that's our situation. Show me consistently pro-life. We must act like it. Individually. And also, as a church,

Here's my question for you, are. We as Christians going to actually serve as salt and light in this Fallen world that we live in?

Are we just going to sit on the sidelines while children are murdered and mothers and fathers are duped into believing the pro-choice worldview brought to us all by the culture of death.

And what is our, what is your actual view of human life of babies of children? What do you think in your heart of hearts? I remember listening to a sermon in 2009 when I was in seminary right by my pastor, Ryan Fullerton, at Immanuel Baptist Church, I remember him then challenging our congregation about how our view of Children and Family reveals where our hearts are really at when it comes to protecting The Unborn and loving and promoting the flourishing of Children and Families. What's our real position is what he was asking us in. So many words. He asked, have you ever been simply angry with other people's children or your own children?

And most of us all could relate to that pressing Challenge and Stacy and I for that matter would soon, find out what the late nights and challenges that that were ahead of us. Cuz soon after the sermon, my first, our first daughter was born and we'd see ourselves how hard parenting would be as she was born later that year.

But most of the congregation you see, followed along with the questioning of our pastor, realizing and admitting that we can all lose our patience at time because of the noise, the neediness for the Mischief that children can often get into. And the children can cause inconveniences for us at times and frustration, and even angry responses for the best of us.

Then you flip the script on us at that point. Reminding us of the inner anger in The Sermon. On the Mount Rose we saw in our series. The Secret murder that Jesus taught in Matthew 5 and called us all to repent of the ways in which we have treated children, like a nuisance rather than a blessing.

and for the dismissive anger and impatience, which is just so grievously sinful and murderous Even in our hearts And before we reach the castle, stone at others, we must look in the mirror and evaluate how biblical really our world and Life View is when it comes to children. Jesus says in Luke 18, 16. He said let the little children come to me. And do not hinder them for such belongs the kingdom. Of God. Jesus, loved. And lovingly and patiently spent time with children, do you? Jesus was pro-life, are you? His worldview actually affected how he lived in the day today. Does yours. What does it look like? Are we encouraging wife for our families and friends and local church and co-workers? Or do we think children are destruction and a burden?

I hope we're convinced even through this series. Even more to align our worldview to Value children. And not just take a pro-life view that says in our minds. We believe these things to be true alone. But that we would positively show our love and value of how we think about and treat children and families in that. What we desire as Christians to be pro-life.

Plays out in the day-to-day of our actual lives. And I want us to think today, how that actually looks practically This is the point of our sermon today and this leads us to our first point. And number one, we need to be Defenders of humanity. Look with me and your Bibles at Philippians chapter 2 and verse for it says this. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.

I don't know about you Church. But I can be selfish at times.

but when I come to realize it in time, I'll open my eyes and commit to change and repent of my selfish actions or intent. Jesus, on the other hand. You see Jesus was never selfish. He was always looking to the interests of others.

And if we are going to be pro-life and pro-choice Aaron and throw biblical Justice, like our Lord and savior, we're going to have to learn a thing or two from them.

10000 things from him, right? We need. That model for us because we cannot be pro-life and only care about our own little corner of the world. We're our own personal family alone, and needs that. We have Rather, we have to have a kind of christ-like selflessness looking to the interests of others. Over even our own comfort and ease is Philippians 2. Just reminded us. And since we live in a culture that has been so directed down the one-way, Street towards death. One way, no, other way our culture is pushing. We must swim against the stream and raging current that we saw from Phillip Jensen last week. and if we're going to do that, we have to come to grips with what has actually happened over the last 50 years and start acting like, we care about the horror of the wholesale murdering and taking of innocent lives in the Holocaust of abortion. Is that move you? We can't just look away at what makes us uncomfortable. Change the subject and seek to just keep the peace. Because so many people just happen to be swimming down that same direction of the current and it's just easier to stay quiet and not opposed them and not say anything. It is.

We can't do that. Now, I decided in the series not to show any videos or portions of the horde of fake documentaries that I myself have watched in the past month and a half. But I could have. And you would have seen the horror of what. So many people just call a simple easy outpatient. Surgery to remove a clump of cells. That is not how it is. Families are devastated women or devastated, the horrific thing, But just as an anti-nazi movement began to pick up steam, when people actually saw images of the emaciated bodies in the death camps, we must face the reality and be honest about what abortion is in our own hearts and Minds. Or we're just going to continue on and are a pathetic ways ignoring and abandoning The Unborn.

May it never be.

And remember, as we've been seeing, abortion is the tearing apart, limb by limb of living human beings in the womb. Or the killing of all these different brocius weighs in the womb living. That is what it is. It's hard to hear. It's uncomfortable to hear, but it's truth. Grow a perfect to it. we as Christians alongside other pro-life opponents and proponents, I mean, Because I mentioned before, there are even many non-Christian pro-life Advocates as well even atheists and agnostics who don't even believe in God or submit to the authority of the Bible. Some of them are pro-life. Because they follow the science and the embryology. And I've come to the conclusion that this is a human life issue and a major crisis in our day. So whether we look at the Bible as Christians or also look at science and logic and morality of it all as non-christians do as well as Christians. because Believers of course or not against science or logic, but if after examining the issues we come out on the side of the pro-life position, regardless of our other convictions, then we must all together descend The vulnerable and defenseless.

listen, if you saw one of my small children, Walking out of the church building and onto west Richardson street, right there. I hope that you would have the inclination to shout out to them and get Stacey and I to come to Wrangle them in.

Now, it's not a busy street, we all know that, but let's just say you happen to see a large combine, or tractor or car coming down the street. And maybe you noticed that the driver isn't stopping because they just don't happen to see my little child taking off into the street. Maybe the driver is distracted and you can see it. I hope that your sense of urgency to protect their lives would increase and you would do something about it and scream a little louder even run and sweep them up before they were hit and killed by bat vehicle. I know, I do it. If I see your child walking in the street, you see as pro-life Christian, we must not only believe that pre-born lives or valuable, but we must also seek to a pole that value in any way we possibly can. So being pro-life memes promoting and protecting the value in dignity and blessing of the preborn and really seeking and seeing and believing together, that there is absolutely no reason ever for anyone to decide to abort their child. In sentence.

As we all have a constitutional right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, including The Unborn human lives, actually believe that and really value life together. And let's act more like Jesus, calling the children to himself and having a worldview, that encourages life, and sees it as a blessing and speaks up to defend it against the lines that are so commonly told in our world today, This is why I'm giving you all a copy of Randy alcorn's book here to eat, or even further convince you of what's at stake. And to also, just give you even more fuel to be able to have a confident voice in the wilderness as you seek to swim against the stream of our culture.

But not only do, we need to defend the life. Of the preborn child. But also the lives of the expecting mothers and fathers as well. I mentioned to you the book before what to expect when you are expecting earlier in the series and we're all familiar with that, right? You know, laying out all the stages of a pre-born babies development in the womb. I think someone needs to write another book titled. What to Expect When You're Expecting and then have an abortion?

We're going to be Defenders of humanity. That means we must tell the truth about abortion in the damage that it causes to women and men like for God did not design a woman's body to get pregnant and then to unnaturally terminate babies in her womb and violent ways.

Make no mistake. There are many consequences to abortion. Both physically and mentally and they cause much damage all over our nation. Damage like the isolating and excruciating pain during any of the forms of abortion either in the presence of the doctor or at home alone in driving pain, fear and loneliness for those to take the abortion pill, which last I read now accounted for about 40% of the abortions. Horrific, it's terrible. I seen from documentary, showing the truth of it. These are not easy decision. These are terrible decisions, life-altering decisions and young women at women and older, women and families. There their, they're hurt by this. They're devastated by this.

Or damage. Like, What happens to Future pregnancy sometimes being at risk for preterm delivery and the potential of their now wanted baby. Now, not even surviving potentially because of the changing of her biology in her Park. Body parts do to the invasive procedures. The abortion doctor inflicted on her in her last abortion. For increased chance of breast cancer. Not to mention the numerous psychological and mental health problems due to the guilt and regret and memories of their child. That is now gone, You cannot take the maternal Instinct away and sweep it under. The rug the woman is a mom and also the man really is a dad when his wife or girlfriend gets pregnant and conceives, he's a father. And as a child, she's a mother. And as a precious baby and both mom and dad in that situation will never be the same if they conspired together to proceed and take the life of their child. Oh, how we need to defend Humanity by opposing abortion and also caring about the parents of these children sacrificed for the many excuses. And see the people convince themselves into believing.

This leads us now to our second point. And number two, Protectors against insanity. Look at me and your Bibles to Proverbs 24 in verse 11 rescue, those who are being taken away to death, hold back, those who are stumbling to the slaughter. We must not take our Eye Off the Ball. If we are going to be pro-life, And we cannot forget what does at stake here? We need to be Rescuers to use the language of Proverbs 24. Rescuers of the innocent who were being slaughtered in the womb. That's the goal of the pro-life movement. Let me do that by helping others become awakens to the horror foolishness and utter Insanity of abortion.

And in order to do that, we must speak up to the reality that abortion kills babies and leaves. Countless other lives damaged as well, speak up and personal relationships and also using our right to vote. I know I mentioned last week that this isn't a political issue only or anything like that, but we must vote our consciences and seek just insane laws. That protect the innocent and punish the guilty as Romans 13 clearly communicates is the purpose of the state and government, and things of that nature because too much is at stake. And so many are involved in this mess.

one book, I read this past week pointed out the very simple fact that if there's been about 62 million, legal abortions, and babies aborted since Roe, And that means about 124 million. Parents have also been involved as well. because next to parents for each child, of course, who have their baby,

And now I know, there's certainly repeat offenders or instances of twins or triplets are even more being aborted. So these numbers aren't exactly. But if we're talking about a little less than 20% of Americans, who are not here because of the 62 million humans, who were terminated before we saw before they even saw the light of day in the last fifty years, as we saw last week. And we looked at that, then we can add both of the parents who chose abortion as well to the equation of direct complicity. And now we have close to 40% or more like around 38% of the living population today. Potentially a route about directly involved in the ending of their pre-born children's lives. That's 124 million out of the 330, a million approximately Americans that are alive today about 3/8 per cent directly involved in those ways. Too much is at stake, too many people are involved and where does the decision by the mom and dad of the child to abort. There's also usually many more who played a part in that abortion as well. And sometimes the parents strongly, encourage abortion, or even demand it, or neighbors and co-workers, or friends, or other relatives, or even professing Christians at churches. Not to mention the politicians, the abortion, doctors and nurses at the hospital staff, those who create the pills in the, in the, the different equipment or the Planned Parenthood. So called abortion counselors, It's just staggering to think about all who are involved in this culture of death. If we just let it sink in and I think it's safe to say that with the web of complicity. Well, over 50% of our current American population is implicated in this Insanity of abortion in one way or another.

So we cannot sit idly by and let this continue, but we must do something and seek to change Minds. On this issue, we must protect against this insanity. Cuz it's a powerful stream. That means for some pro-lifers, they are going to the abortion clinics and peacefully. Trying to engage both the workers and patients from making the wife. Altering tragic mistake. Tragic decision of abortion, And you know that some babies and mothers and fathers and even abortion workers like we saw in our first week in the story of Abby. Abby Johnson, as you can see in the movie unplanned we see, even abortion counselors and workers are even turn from this culture of death as well and stayed out of that. The women who are about to abort their children, sometimes decide not to and to have a child and praise God. For the situations that we see that. But we wish there were more and it's sad that there are so many going through with this terrible decision others. You see you work at local pregnancy centers and to help provide a better solution to the abortion like life options, Green Hills in Trenton, and there's some literature in the back by the books. They're doing great work to help protect against the insanity of abortion themselves and to provide love and care. And resources to needy women going through unwanted pregnancies. Others will take up the great cause of foster care and adoption and the love and receive orphans is the scriptures command and even others will go into politics and write bills and and debate the issues to lead change. So many others. Will use their Christian influence. To make an impact on their families and churches and friends, and neighbors, and co-workers. This includes everyone. Hopefully, they're Believers here in this room. We must use our influence to intervene and help them avoid the pro-choice lies that they've believed lies, like life would be better without their child. Or live like challenges economically. Somehow justify murder. Make no mistake about it. This is a life-altering decision that can and should be warned against. Or else there will be years and years of regret and sadness and a dead child.

As one pro-life or put it, you cannot Unbecoming mother or father. Abortion only makes you a mother or father of a dead child that you yourself murder.

So, I want to briefly share with you. The well-known sled argument that you can use to try to persuade and show the foolishness of abortion to others to help open other people's eyes to what they are about to do. And this is an acronym used by many in the pro-life movement, to answer common misconceptions. People have about abortion. The sled stands for f size. L level of development, E&E, environment and Di degree of dependency in his excellent book. The Case For Life, hopefully argue that we should simplify the question to this. This is the question of abortion church is The Unborn a member of the Human family.

It's so killing him or her to benefit. Others is a serious moral wrong. Conversely. You said If The Unborn is not human, elective abortion requires no more justification than having a tooth pulled.

But as we scenes from Psalm 139, David was net and known by God in his mother's womb. David was David before his birth. It's clear that the preborn baby is a human being

do I agree with Scott klusendorf who concluded as a pro-life advocate. He says philosophically there is no morally significant difference between the embryo you once were and the adult you are now today. Did you believe that? It's so defendant defended against the moral Insanity of our day. That has been gulped down like Kool-Aid. The moral Insanity of the so-called woman's right to choose and right to kill a pre-born babies and sanded, it says of the embryo or fetus does not have person who did value. Back to the sled argument quickly. If someone has drank the pro-choice Kool-Aid seek, to convince them using This Acronym, sled starting with ask this size, obviously does not make someone more or less human, right? That's clear as one author, put it a four year old is smaller than a 14 year old. Can we kill her? Because she's not as big as a teenager. No course not because a human beings value is not based on their sides in the same way The Unborn is smaller than a four-year-old. If we can't kill the four-year-old because she's smaller than can we do? We can't either Kill The Unborn because she's small smaller either. So clear Aurelle level of development is the same argumentation that follows right? Just because an embryo or pre-born baby isn't having a full-on conversation and functioning like you and me outside of the womb like we function today. You realize that we were all once in that situation of the preborn as we were under developed or developing as a human being in the womb, does the underdeveloped, carry less value than the developed. We all have different capacities and are more or less developed people and have higher or lower IQs, and capacities and physical ability, and strength in different things. Is each human more or less valuable based on their mental or physical capacities. Against if we think this way, we're going the way of Hitler and that mindset, and we're going to be deeming, certain people Unworthy of life, based on some self-imposed The Logical spot list. Crazy criteria next after we see the ass in the L, next is the E which stands for environment. Some say that since The Unborn is not in our world yet and can't breathe air. For instance, like the rest of humanity oxygen, right? That it's not valuable that there's not a valuable person yet. What is Scott klusendorf? Ask. Does your value change when you cross the street or roll over in bed? If not how can a journey of 8in down the birth canal suddenly changed the essential nature of The Unborn from a non-human to a human. If The Unborn are not already human, merely changing their location, can't make them valuable. This is simple, right? It seems so clear and basic but people believe and they will believe anything that they want. Fervently, when they want to really just make their own choices and decisions that they've already made up their mind holds Ludacris arguments and excuses to appease their consciences. We live in a world that is so confused about everything and where one person who is a certain gender biologically, can't identify as a another gender. And it's so confused in our world is so chaotic and a world. And then, we can also at the same time, deny that human Humanity in personhood of a newborn, and of a pre-born baby in the womb. I don't, we just make things up as we going our culture. It's crazy. It's confusing and completely misleading. This leads us to the D, which is the last letter in the acronym, sled, which stands for degree of dependency. Many pro-choice Advocates claim that the preborn does not get a person because it's fully dependent on its mother to live. You may have heard this one. But what is different? I ask from a life in the womb. To the wife of the newborn are young toddler, the newborn is dependent outside of the womb just as it is dependent inside the woman. If it's right to terminate someone due to dependency then that's a slippery slope to infanticide as we seen and euthanasia. I've had six children and all of them were dependent on others to live. After they were born for their every want and need. They were Johnny. If we didn't care for them, dependents does not make as less valuable. You see, God built in that wonderfully created dependence according to his planning purposes, All the pro-choice arguments are personhood, excuses. As I call it, or not persuasive in the lease, and we need to point them out and try to open people's eyes to the insanity of these arguments before. It's too late and decisions are made that are irreversible. This leads us to our last and final point.

We saw that, we need to be Defenders of humanity and protectors against Insanity. Lastly, we need to see a number 3. We need to be helpers in the midst of tragedy with me and your Bibles to Psalm 82 in verse 4, rescue the weak and needy deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Now if you've come this far in our series and are not yet moved to help the vulnerable preborn human life, from the permanent destruction, and murderous death of the abortionist, and those who hire him or her. The Navy we continue on a bit and think through the utterly tragic and Unthinkable narrative that plays out over and over again in the lives of moms and dads of aborted children.

As well as the family's friends and churches involved in abortion.

you may have been taking back a little bit about what I just said and thinking that I just here or Pastor correctly, families and churches and a decision to abort What is that about? You heard me correctly.

I've watched both pro-life and pro-choice documentaries, and read personal testimonies and books. And websites. That all indicate that in many instances, it takes a village. Not just to raise a child as the saying goes, but it also takes a village to abort a child as well. Husbands or boyfriends seeking to persuade their partner into an abortion parents. Like we saw before strongly pressuring their daughters to make an appointment with Planned Parenthood to terminate. Their baby parents friends getting annoyed and say just a board it all ready. It's your only choice here. It's your only out they said or pastors even giving spiritual wise counsel for women to abort their child. I've seen that perpetuated to in our day and age. Usually, The Story Goes Down in the situation goes down as a young woman and man, coming to their parents or Pastor or friends to almost get the go-ahead and okay, from them to have an abortion.

And many of those people and their lives will give them that go ahead.

And even some pastors, we've been caught up in the pro-choice worldview of our day. Commending abortion in some of this category will even try to persuade a woman who wants to keep and deliver and love her newborn baby. Even in a hard situation, they would encourage to rather important said, you'll see, it's just the stump table sells They will give many different insane arguments that we've looked at today and even before in our series to try to hook the worst pressure and even manipulate her into murdering her child. And I agree with my posture through Seminary that I mentioned before. As he said in that same sermon in 2009, which I went back and listen to he's going. He says you want to end abortion.

He said, reformed churches.

Been a contender continue. You want to murder people? Then get a Pulpit and don't preach the gospel.

Any clothes with this powerful thought, what are the pastors who withhold God's truth? We need to be a church with a Biblical worldview that leads to biblical action. We must be a village that helps raise and promote the blessing of children and family, not to tear them apart. This includes, helping those who made the sad and tragic decision to abort. There's gospel help and hope and grace and mercy for them as well. What kind of a church are we? What kind of a person are we? What are we putting forward? What are we building here? I read books that talking about pregnancy centers and other pro-life organization teaching about relationship skills and parenting and responsibilities. And all that is really, really good. And I commend them all for their great work and the local pregnancy center right here in Trenton does so much of that great work. What shouldn't we answer Church? Certainly be also regularly intentionally discipling, which is one of the key commitments in our church discipling. Others in our church and around about marriage relationships, and parenting and responsibility. Isn't that what we should be doing here as a church for people in those situations as well for all of us, Challenging and holding up expectation. That men should act like men as the scripture say or man up as another phrase, puts it and take responsibility for their lives and families and not neglect them or discard them. What is p a place? Does this very thing as well? Discipling. Young people. Evangelizing, helping young and old about how to take responsibility in this world.

As I mentioned last week, so many women are seeking abortions because of terrible real-life situations that therein. I was heartbreaking broken to watch pro-choice documentaries. That was trying to validate reasons to abort and sharing stories of abortion and this poor lady and one of them had two children already with a husband who had just recently cheated on her and he was barely one foot in and one foot out of a failing relationship. And he was in this video to being interviewed and he just stopped there saying nothing about his wives concerns. What a coward. She said in this documentary and I quote, where is the father? Most of the time? Goofing around and fooling around with another woman. Where is the woman that she is the Soul Tape, caretaker of this child 24 hours a day, I'm there, taking care of them in 24 hour feeding. It's my responsibility. And like I said, this time, I can't do it. I have a 9 month old at home and I don't want to in diapers.

Does the father of our two oldest that were in? Diapers, just struck me. She goes on and says and too much is on me right now. We are having marital problems and he just left me in September and it's hard. Just trying to get our lives together right now.

. Of course, he justifies abortion. But doesn't reveal how worthless some men are and how guilty they are just as guilty for this decision. To abortion. Like Adam failing to protect his wife from the serpent. Spelling of love and Lead. Now this young woman, she goes on to share the sentiment that if Things were just a little more stable and horse stable with her husband, she wouldn't be having this abortion on sadly. I heard that same story repeated over and over again in different contexts but in similar ways and it's just devastating been moved by it. It's almost like you want to just jump through the screen screen and show them that. There's another way. But they feel trapped. In fact, the excellent book titled choose life answering key claims of abortion Defenders with compassion. That just recently came out that this past May that had many different contributing authors. Many of them were saying the same thing in several chapters about book. And these pro-life Advocates and experts continue to come back to the same theme of fear as the main reason, so many women choose to abort their baby. Name. Some women like I mentioned last week and abortion World Views on pro-choice. Some women shelter of abortion and are saying they're proud of it and they're so excited about it but that's not the majority of deep down, 60 pinside. I know that women even in that situation or damaged in her and so many ways, but this theme of fear just kept coming back up. Fear of financial instability, fear of Health, complications of their child's fear of what others might think and say, fear of how new baby will impact their careers fear of how a child might ruin their educational plans fear of abuse that there in within the relationship. Unthinkable things that some women go through tragic things been one of the most common fears and issues was the fear associated with the instability in the relationship. They had with the dad of the child that they were about to abort together. Church, These are real fears. These are real people. These are real problems. We need to be a church that cares, well for women, and men, facing unwanted and unplanned, pregnancies and help to reach through the screen of the documentary. So to speak reach out into their stories. And let them know that they are not alone and that there are answers and support and help and that their little pre-born, baby has the right to live. It is worth going to live a life. No matter the difficulties in pressures that they're currently facing right now.

But they need the support system. Reading all about the pregnancy centers. That outnumber abortion clinics now. 421 Nationwide.

And that's right now just numbers even prior to the Dobbs decision. And a whopping 114 20. Here in Missouri. Oh, let's make that number 10 to One Nationwide. Let's support it Church by Church. The work that is going on in so that they can provide the education and community. And even the true counseling related to their child, opposed to the Demonic counseling that is going on over at the abortion clinics.

Counseling that upholds life. Not death. I want our church to be a place that encouraging courage is pregnancy centers and even provides more Community right here, in the support of our church, family, to hurting women, with unplanned pregnancies as well.

On that note, as it relates to our church and caring. let's close here with a hypothetical but yet really common situation that many churches go through

Say, a woman who is associated with our church. Leaving, even a church member got pregnant with an unplanned and unexpected baby. How would we respond?

Would we put our noses up to her? Will be encouraged. And abortion is some Churches even do. Ruby. Tell her that she's a failure and that she's not welcome here. Like many other churches do as well. I heard stories over and over again to come and seen was the church's didn't care and support, they shut the door on women in the situations like that.

What would we do?

Consider the church that I was a member at in Louisville, Kentucky during Seminary that I mentioned before. It was a young lady who got pregnant, just like the situation I mentioned.

She was not married. This is, of course, an unplanned pregnancy.

She let the pastors know how sad she was about the whole situation and as a Believer, she was repentant of the sexual immorality that led to her pregnancy. But she was also a Christian and thankfully was not swept up by the culture of death. To lead her to the pressure of having an abortion. Thankfully terminating. Her baby was out of the picture for her. Praise God for that. And as a Believer during the members meeting, remember it vividly? She shared with the congregation. Who would soon find out by the clear evidence of a growing baby in her belly? Of course. And she shared how she had repented before the Lord and she even express remorse to her church family. And this is all of course led by the pastors of the church helping her along in the situation. And of course she was doing this willingly and she wanted to share and seek the support and love of a congregation. And we, as a congregation Rejoice with her, at the gift of this little. Unplanned, baby blessing. He was a long coming along the way soon.

The church then threw her to the baby shower. The pastor, spend some good time counseling and helping her with all the things that you was now going through alone. She continued moving forward, not only with the support from the local Pregnancy Center but also from the support of fellow Believers in her local church. People cared people knew where people were their meals were there for her when she was recovering continued gifts in Babysitting, offers and help from those who loved her and wanted to care. Well, for her in this very precious child, she had in this very tragic and difficult situation, she was in We're going to be consistently pro life as a church. We must seek to support and encourage the wives of all hurting women and the children that they bear their valuable. It also seeks to help man and others involved. Repent is well for their sinful, the men and women both selfish ways that they're caught up into Challenging them to take responsibility to grow up and do care for their children and the mother of their children. Go to be happening in churches, throughout the world. We should create a culture of mercy, and Grace, and help and support, and love, and a willingness, even to be inconvenienced for the sake of others, in to get up, off the bench and get into the game. And actually do something for someone. To speak for The Unborn is one great ministry, calls it. And also to speak for those who were involved in the suffering and even the perpetuation of abortion. Speaking up for the help of the hurting and used and abused and also speaking up to correct those perpetuating, Evil by the deception and the manipulation that they are doing because those with a truly pro-life worldview which I hope we all are as Believers. It's the only real position only legitimate position for Christians to hole.

We must all be Defenders of humanity protectors against insanity and helpers in the midst of tragedy.

Pray with me. Father. we cry out to you for those many women who are hurting today and many men who are hurting today because of their Terrible decision to abort their precious child. We pray that you would give them Comfort even if they're here in this room, would you comfort them? Would you encourage them? Would you lift them up? Would you point them to the grace of the Gospel? Would you show them that they were clean in the blood of Jesus if they trust in Jesus, for forgiveness, the Jesus, freeze and forgives. Oh, Lord. That he frees and forgives. Even from this terrible, disastrous decision of abortion, would you help everyone of us in this room to be consistently and truly biblical and pro-life? Help us to make an impact. Help us to let these trews change the way that we live and think and act. That you would create a culture here. A worldview cheer. At First Baptist Church of Gallatin, that would be a place for the hurting. That would be family for those who don't have families that would love. People that come through this door, no matter what situation that they find themselves in, Lord, moving these ways in Mighty ways. We trusted you can do this to me. Say this in Christ name, amen.

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