This Little Light of Mine

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You were saved to shine!

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This Little Light of Mine

Text: Matthew 5:10-20


• Jesus is saying we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Both. When salt is applied, it goes inward and disappears. Light comes from within and outwardly appears. The salt speaks of character; the light speaks of testimony.

I. You are the Light of the World:

a. Who’s Jesus talking to? This is the Sermon on the Mount. They were in northern Galilee, by the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He was speaking to villagers; to His disciples, to fishermen, to farmers. And, He’s saying to them, “[You] are the light of the world.” You didn’t figure it out. All we have is what we’ve received. And His light shines in us; and then, through us. And God just takes regular folks—and Jesus says to you and to me, “You have the answer for your generation, ‘[You] are the light of the world.’”

II. Let Your Light Shine:

a. (Matthew 5:14–16) You were saved to shine. Don’t hide your testimony. Don’t hide your Bible. Don’t hide your Jesus. Don’t hide your light under a basket. The purpose of light is to shine. Let others know that you love the Lord Jesus Christ. Be bold! You are to take your light and put it on a candlestick – lift it up that it will give light to all that are in the house. There’s somebody you can influence for the Lord Jesus Christ. “A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” Jesus is talking about the Church. He’s talking about us, together; a collective light. If we all shine together for Jesus, we can make an impact that we cannot make alone.

III. How to Get Bright:

A. Yielding:

• (Matthew 5:16) We must yield ourselves. Look at the word “let.” Let it happen. When you get saved, and filled with the Spirit, you don’t have to make yourself shine; you will shine. Let yourself shine. You’re yielding in cooperation with God. It’s not hard. Just get right with God, and you’ll have to backslide to keep from being a soul-winner. It’s just automatic. It’s your new nature. It’s the default setting of a child of God. You are going to shine if you are full of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:13) Start shining!

B. Willing:

• There has to be willingness. He said, “Let your light SHINE.” A willingness for what? To burn. There is no shining without burning. John the Baptist, “He was a burning and a shining light.” (John 5:35) Are you willing to burn bright for the Lord Jesus Christ? (Romans 12:1) Are you willing to shine no matter the cost?

C. Exchanging:

• There be an exchange that takes place. And this is all about sanctification (Matthew 5:16) That’s the self-life exchanged for the Christ-life. The life you live is Christ in you, and they see it. Let them see your good works, and give God glory. It’s not my life, it’s His life—not a changed life, but an exchanged life. And, people seeing Christ in you and me is us letting our light shine.

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