Ezekiel 37: From Bones to Sticks

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In the Lord will continually guide you and satisfy your desire and scorched places and get strength to your bones and you will be like a watered Garden Inn. Like a spring of water. Whose water is do not fail. For thou art, my rock, and my Fortress for thy name's sake, thou Wilt lead me and guide me. I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go. I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Girly, father, we have a lot of reflection to do in a lot to apply to this world. That comes from a understanding, it flows from your word. We pray that you would have struck the same guy in our thinking. Also at this time that you would have your hand on that which is around us, which we are in play. Lord for a purpose that we might have an impact on the world until you desire to take us home. Till it's time for the Rapture or our personal exit for the cross that bridge of Glory the golden bridge, what you have set up for us. We pray that you would Minister to those who are in places of leadership that you would prevent them from making the catastrophic choices, it will destroy our nation. We pray that you would encourage them to make the choices that they may think. Right? But you know where they will actually leave because man plans his ways but you alone, direct his path. We pray that for Liberal executive branch and the liberal Congress that we have right now. Lord in the choices that they are making, which are abandoning the values of our nation. Pray that you would Minister and you would somehow keep them from taking us into complete and total Destruction. We do lift up the elections. We understand that they are important. They are part of how we are engaged. We understand that there was a lot that was not good. That happened in the last election potential for fraud and and evil, that was being worked out since we ask that you would have your hand and many people have stood up to stand in the Gap to be a part of the correction, that must come at that Grassroots level and say we pray, we pray that you continue to minister to those individuals, give them wisdom. Leave those groups that are standing up and trying to return our nation to those positive values. We pray for all the Marxism that is exploded. Just taken over the warp and we love our society. Lord. And I would pray that you would take Marxist perspective, Lord and via the truth, the reality of mankind whose nature is sinful. Therefore Marxism can never were a smart A system that needs to be reformed as they teach its people that need to be born again. And that's the real issue with our society. If there is one at this point, we have people who are calling evil good and good evil. And so, we would ask for those two stand-up Florida that have the ability to penetrate the darkness penetrate, the hardness penetrate, the situations where people have closed their minds and their thinking and give these influencers, the ability to speak for that, which leads to the gospel message, that which tears down the dark box, the Dark Thinking, which attempts to cover up. We pray that you would do the Sings Lord that you would be glorified. And we thank you for this time where we focus on the real thing that matters. The studying of your word that turning our hearts and their minds for the things of actual value. Lord, your counsel, your guidance, understanding more, and more about you pray that you would encourage us to me things in that, that you would give us every opportunity, Lord to prove that. Yes, you're right. But your way is the right way. So we look forward to that in our lives and die. In this teaching time do the things in Christ Jesus name. He-Man. So what's the I wanted to go back? I can just going to Review a few things. So

Get us. Back in the Chute says it were ready to launch off on her bucking bronco. Examining the subject of regeneration and viewing that in the New Testament because there's a lot about regeneration, that is applicable, that needs to be parsed and understood correctly. Exegete? And Paul are inside, as to what's happening here in Ezekiel Out of the text. the 12 things we noticed, was this,

Phrase where in verse 12 of Ezekiel, 37. We were told, I will open your Graves and cause you to come up from your Graves. If we did a little bit of work there and understood that, the concept of grave is actually a concept of having been from Israel and so people who are in captivity in Babylon in Syria, and this time, why do those who have been pulled outside of the land into various places in for the Jews, whose home and whose promises are tied to an actual physical country to be anywhere else? Is to be supposed to be living in the land. So, to be out of the land for them is to be buried in the same place. We have ways that we can relate to that. For example, one of the things that I will bring up when I'm doing tours to Jacksonville, we had one of the larger Chinese populations in the west coast right here in the valley from Buddy to 52 to 1,900 and these individuals had sold themselves into slave labor indentured servitude as it were so that they could pay for the transport from China from Shanghai to San Francisco, and then from San Francisco up to Crescent City, and then Supply,

Picking up on the register of the loan that they were taking out from their their bosses. They're indentured Lords as it work. And as a result, they were engaged in deep difficult, hard labor. And that's how they were paying it back. And so they were the ones who were digging all the hundred miles of mining that we have around here where they brought in through these vast, canals enough water to go to strip-mine off the entire sides of hills and mountains and get all this flurry of stuff to come down and be channeled through the long thumbs. Those big guy devices that separate out the rocks in the filth from the actual heavy gold. Until you have all these little ridges in rivulets where all the gold has a chance that drop down a sink down where everything else is getting washed by I'm so they did that. All through, southern Oregon and the Chinese are the ones who died. All those ditches, they also would if they had opportunity, they would find themselves in a place where the lord, they're indentured master was able to you couldn't tell us a Chinese own any property, but you could enter into a contract for a mine. And when doing that, then the Chinese could often come into a mind. Have been very successful and work through until there is nothing. And then someone else comes along and buys it and they work it until they can't get anything more out of it. And they think it's just the dregs who would buy this except for the Chinese for the Chinese boy at technically. But they can have a long week. So we'll put a 20-year lease or whatever on the bathroom and milk them their slave labor in and they would just go out. Kaiser labor costs were so low. They could actually make a great profit off of that. We had individuals Wonder particular who when he retired from this area, he went away with a million dollars of value. In that era in the 80s that's like 8:10 billionaire, days. How much money that you made while Utilizing all the all the labor that went before him. So but one of the things that would happen is with all this hard labor, there was a high percentage of the Chinese were dying. And so they would die and they would be buried temporarily here in the area. 12 things would happen, is the Chinese with their belief system. In their religion, they thought, that they could not be at peace. Belarus. They were buried in their Fatherland, the home of their fathers and so they would allow them to be buried and typically they would potentially even just bury them in the dirty part of the idea was they wanted the Flesh and everything to Decay because there were professional.

Reese, who would be coming through the area and everyone who came across, when they came across, they would make an offering for the priests. If I don't, I come and get my bones and send them back to China. That's exactly what they did. These individuals were called bone Publishers because they literally took anything remaining off of the bones. They would clean and polish, wooden cooking. Put in carrion beetles, whatever it took, I don't know what the process was exactly. But in the end, they would reduce it to a small box by the breadbox eyes would fit in the skull and all the long bones and then the hits would be able to be in there. So they had a small block and they would ship all of these small boxes back over to China. And the goal was that they could be buried in their Fatherland and their Homeland We see people who have these belief systems really based on nothing but here we have the Israelites who have a belief system similar to that big a piece in any land unless it is their Fatherland you see. So it's a good time. It is a grave. There's a place with no ending because they end up in their land. So even the living and then a grave in the wrong place, it's a wrong grave. So the whole situation is just considered gray, like to be out of valerian used to be in a grave. So he says, I will open it your grave and cause you to come up from your grades that Izzy's for and situation to be regathered to the land. That's pretty significant. That's one of the things that we have reviewed. We all know that's better, part of prosperity is linked to being in the land. And so we have this entire

very deeply woven teaching throughout the Old Testament of the blessings that comes from the land. While working the land, it's the place where they have right relationship with God is prosperous them and even the tribes have their territories in the families have their plots of land, which cannot be taken away from them. So even if they enter into utter bankruptcy and someone comes in and Dales them out, they're only allowed to do that for 50 years. Of the end of fifty years. Everything reverts back to their family. They get their inheritance back, at least of the, the land to be able to work the land, and to be able to keep going. So, we told her that to not be in the lair, I'm just to be conscripted to death. That is to be set aside for a deathlike existence in the terms of the of the, of the Hebrews. So from that, we saw how appropriate the grave was as a strict as a description of the Israelites were outside of the land.

And I God's people are considered to be in the land until that time when they come back to the land. And if they're not Emily and they're in the grave, so they're either in the grave or they're in the land, it's a binary situation for the Jewish people in terms of other thinking in their prosperity. Now, you wouldn't know that from our observations of the Jewish people who wherever they have gone on the face of the planet, they have prospered, they have taken the value systems that way. Today, my call capitalism free market values. May have always been engaged in free-market functionality and wherever that free market activity was happening that country prospered in those people. Engaging in free market activities prospered, we saw that the huguenots trouble from country to Country getting driven out and kicked up, but where were they went and they prospered and that Nation prospered? Do to the Jews, an event. Christina right now, more than I'm understanding, 50% of all Jews are actually living in Israel. Now, second largest source of Jewish population is in the United States. So we have always been associated with that Jewish blessing. If you will, we've always been part of that but it seems like the more the percentage of Jews go to Israel. The worst that we do has a country in terms of having actual free-market Prosperity, the biblical Prosperity that, the Bible teaches us about But we saw it down in Ezekiel 37 verse 14. Was God saying I will place you in your own land? And note that the land of Israel is the land of promise and prosperity, for those of Israel's promises for their promises to be fulfilled, they are to be in the land of prosperity and that word when we had reviewed, that's the word. And we have two words used essentially for land, the land of promise is Adam are the land of creation is Adam? Are then we also have the ever rest and so we see those two kind of posturing side-by-side what he says, he'll return you to your own land. It is at the mall and that is a covenant statement that is being made there. That he will bring us back to that. By the mall in. And then I made a doctrinal points here. Do I think is worth repeating? We should know it. But the land of promise for the Christian Life is actually the word of God as we find ourselves functioning and ploughing and working the word of God. We find ourselves in that place of prosperity that God has designated for the church and the church age, believe a connection with the word of God that is unrelenting and our prosperity in our future prosperity. And the prosperity of Eternity is all based on how we prosper in the word of God, now, to the less degree, The we work the land to the last degree. We prospered to the greater degree, that we work the land to the greater degree but we we do for a wasper, some people can make the mistake. They can think because we're going to a categorical teaching Church of the word of God and yet it may not be true. The key is, as we learned, is it functioning is Bible Doctrine functioning in our soul because we can store up much gnosis in her mind in our soul but if it isn't translated into that empty gnosis, where the ministry of God, the Holy Spirit takes, it makes it real you, liable. Emily, utilize it in life living thinking and then there is no benefit at all. So, studying the word of God Living in that functioning spot is a great curse because we think we're living in the land and when we actually are not, so it's actually utilizing the promises, depending on the word of God calling God, to be faithful to the terms that he has shown us. And in our blindness, we say will Lord, we pray.

doing this thing until we have to go through that entire prayer process where we prepare We Orient ourselves, the doctrinal thinking, then we engage God in the prayer act. And then we walk in a, we can call it Faith but it's a faith rest. We walked in a rusting and acknowledgement that God is faithful, no matter what, it looks like and so we must determine in our thinking and in that interaction with God that he is true to his word. So we did some work studying regeneration. Who part of the promise that we've been studying and Ezekiel 37 is that the people of the promise that is Israel will be brought back to the place of blessing. And that is what the whole picture of the bones being drawn together is about. It's about the people being brought back to the land, being pulled out of the gray is being brought to a place to Restoration and then God breathed his breath of life upon. Then there's an actual regeneration to the nation of Israel that is concurrent with the generator regeneration. That happens to all the members of Israel who steal. They're God, they repent at the rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and they realize that he is their Messiah and they express their faith in him and then they call upon his name and their restored as a nation. And I've been dealing with

Different books and commentaries that are going through and viewing. The lordship Salvation perspective lordship salvation perspective essentially is the calvinist perspective as his God has determined ahead of time who is saved. And so, who he has determined or picked up those people say to that is, they will not express their own faith, but they will be given a faith that comes as a gift from God, for this isn't true. But this is what they believe, they will be given a gift of faith from God. As a result, they will be very generous and then they will have such a life that they will become free from sin and they will move forward sanctification. That is the Practical Improvement of their lives here on Earth. Such that they do not end their lives, in send the part of the thinking is if God has indeed given them the faith and chose them and then they will be faithful to the end. That's how we know who was saved because they're faithful to the end. They don't have been active soon at the end that takes them out. So someone is out to

Dealing with the mistress and driving their car in a drunken fashion. And they slam off a cliff and they're killed. It just proves that they weren't ever see if according to this Viewpoint. So, the problem is, I create space subjectivism where the people are all about, looking at themselves, and their accomplishments, and looking at everyone else and their accomplishments. When in reality, we have been called to look at the person in the work of the Lord Jesus. I thought about what we have done. So it's never about us, it's about him. The whole point of faith is that it is non meritorious. It doesn't mean anything if we choose the right thing is not with Benefits. Us is having choosing the correct thing. So, because we choose the actual figure, the one who has paid the price of our sin. Then we find ourselves reading, we put it a different way and it's not the issue that those in that camp, make it out to be because the Lord Jesus Christ has paid for the sin of all man, every sin ever has been paid for So the question is not in the question is, what are we trusting in then, are we trusting in his work, or are we trusting in our work email, someone may have trusted in his work becomes saved, but then they get caught up in the deceitfulness of this Viewpoint. And as a result, they end up reoriented to their work and their ability to produce and they get caught up in the lordship. Respect another, see what they have been confused but then we are other people who have never heard or depended on Christ correctly. They have been taught a wrong gospel and hearing the wrong. Well, they were taught that they needed to bring obedience they have to make Jesus their lord first And if you haven't made Jesus, Lord, then you aren't saved it. So they created a situation where the person must examine themselves and pay attention to themselves and go through this constant processing. And you can see it's in all of the all the writings of the Puritans and the calvinist over the years. If you get into the ride Angel, you might think. They're using scripture is relying on scripture, they're pulling out the Greek in the Hebrew, but you'll need to keep on reading in and watch you with their Sable that more closely and you start realizing they are in a conundrum. They cannot get out of it. There's a few who do and really, they have nothing to do with that whole milieu of theology that there are in the midst of, but most are stuck in it, and one of the ways they described the stuck, Miss cuz they call it the Dark Night of the soul. In the Dark Night of the soul, is that the wish they don't call them believers. They call them professors, those who are there a bigger Desiring, but I would be choosing them, but they come to a point where they realize their sin And because of that, they can't. Rationalize their belief system anymore, they feel lost. I feel like there's a great pit underneath them. They have no hope because their sin cannot be gotten Beyond, but they've been brought to that place by their Theology and all they can see us in.

About the Puritan and this writer and I can't remember who it was. Saying that. Puritans became so prosperous and so successful. Cuz that was how they understood that God was saying they were safe.

That is true that they work their tails off to show that they're sage in. There is a there is something that we called the Puritan work ethic. So I don't make sense. It was it was hard work, in the thought of bad thing, right? We place the wrongly place as a used utilization for the proof of Salvation is in such a wrong wrong place in a wrong thing. So, those brought to the Dark Night of the Soul, then oftentimes had a very difficult time. Getting beyond that, and it made last days, typically more like weeks, months, and even years for these, this was the pastor's. This was the preacher. This was the Evangelist. Those people who are involved in this process, they are deeply entrenched and they're the ones that have a crisis, they get up and they preach. And then they wonder about Themselves as everyone else getting saved. But not me cuz God chosen them but not me. They if they're honest have a recognition of the send Emerson nature. So the difference for us is drastic. The difference is that we drove her eyes on the savior of the work that he did. We understood that he died for the sins of the whole world. So when I come to Christ, it's not the sin, if it's the, what am I trusting in issue? As soon as important as the backdrop, it drives us to the place of decision. But it's not my sin that needs to be forgiven. It has been forgiven. It has been paid for all Sim. Has the question is, what am I trusting in now for my relationship with God, am I trusting in the Narrow Path, the doorway that Christ himself Made For Life resting in the wide path. My own way to get to heaven and so that's what we have. The people are dealing with. Is there making a decision to go out of their way? Instead of God's way? Now we can have Believers as well, who gets saved, but then later on I may go and they try to do it their way. But the point we want to make is that salvation is a free will Choice. As go twisting. Therefore we are free. We are at Liberty to make that choice. Do I trust in myself or do I trust in Christ? Do I trust in the work of Jesus Christ himself. So we're going to see that all of Israel will become spiritually alive because all of the corporate body of Israel will come to Faith in their Messiah Yeshua Jesus. They will see him and understand that they rejected the way that was made available to them, and they chose their own way to their own detriment. So their own destruction, they walked themselves into their own grave for all of these. All of this time, they put themselves and place themselves into grave rather than Embrace their Messiah, but at the end of the tribulation, this will all be changed in an instant And what a spectacular moment that will be as the Lord. Jesus Christ comes back I don't think we get sometimes that scenario that situation you see God is rain down destruction. On one, third of the planet he has made, the water is bitter or poisonous. He has killed off one. Third of the population of plants are the animals of the ocean of the population of beasts and the Sea, when the purpose is to cause people to break out of their worship of Nature and their worship of what they can do and how they can take care of the earth and realize we really weren't, and we didn't. And now it's obvious and our system, or religious system is bankrupt. So, their religion flies out the door or their Works in. Accomplishments fly out the door and they're faced with the reality that they have to either choose to be with God. For to be against God to very clearly without any intellectual.

Mind games played with self, they are understanding, I'm either choosing to go again, Scott from choosing to align with Tron. It's will see a great 15 and sorting it happens with those people who lined up against God, we're actually going to be lined up against Israel and the destruction that is about to happen. The amount of force of military destruction that is about to land on them is like nothing we have ever seen. Nor will it Be seen except for maybe one other time on the planet. And it's right at that moment, when they cry out to the Lord, Jesus comes down. And he intervenes between all of his real, in all this destruction. It's about to be turned upon them. So it is a catastrophic moment that is turned into a magnificent deliverance. We get to look forward to that. You will be there. We will literally be watching. See here will be part of that somehow. What exactly our role will be, don't know. But we will be there with him for exciting.


There is, but there is, there is some reason to believe that you're talking about was called operation footstool. And it is a reference to the prophecy where God says the Messiah. He says, I will put the world under your foot essentially, and the marionette pictures. We have this idea that she has every believer is going to be involved in that every Church age believer will be involved in that process. Yes, we know that the all those demons are going to be tossed into the Lake of Fire. It appears that at the end of the tribulation, when the final war happens when the demons are released. But at that point, their powers will be taken from man and we will have a supernatural bodies like the Lord Jesus Christ. So we're not going to humans like this. So I don't Envision any of us. Scrap, you know, I do anything with them, but we won't have those Supernatural bodies like Christ. So it is certainly in the realm of possibility. So, smart a Doctrine or a thought that I'm going to stand against. I'd say there's reason to make a doctrinal conclusion that that is the case and we might pull it together at some point and then addressed

So we're moving on then to the reunification of Israel. Here, we see you. As soon as he coach chapter 15, we read through this previously. Again, the word of the Lord came to me saying that's for you to send a man. Take us to check for yourself and write on it for Judah and the children of Israel, then take another stick and write on it for Joseph. The Stick of that friend and for all the house of Israel, Canyons 4:17, then join them to one another for yourself into one stick and they will become one in your hand first 18. And when the children of your people speak to you saying, will you not show us what you mean by these? So in verses 15 through verse 23, we have a new vision, a sequel to the vision of verses 1 through 4 which is an extension of what we see being talked about with the bones being drawn together. There we go, swimming, let me continue reading through this. So that is a verse 18. Let me go back to this. I don't think we we covered this before. So is he cool has some symbolic action that he has covered in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 14. We have this idea that he's taking two sticks and he's putting them together and it's symbolic of something. But it's not the first time that he has done this. We saw it back in is equal chapter 4, where we read this. You also son of man, take a clay tablet, and lay it before you and portray on it. A City. Jerusalem will take some Kool-Aid instead of paper and pen and sketch shop Jerusalem. Now lay Siege against it, build a Siege wall against the pound against it against adults. One place, battering rams against it all around. So he's drawing out in depicting all these things that are happening. Some people interpret this that he is actually taking McLain gold enough of an actual City around there. I'm not sure that that's the case, but some have interpreted that way, first three more over take for yourself and iron plates and set it as an iron wall between you and the city, set your face against and it shall be besieged and you stole a Siege against it that she'll be assigned to the house of Israel. My also on your left side and lay the iniquity of the House of Israel against it recording, The number of the day is it you lie on that you shall bear their iniquity. So we have is Ezekiel acting out with his very body. Then I'll keep in mind, this is in Babylon but he's doing all this outside of the city, use the land and the main course, way outside the city. And he's doing all of this stuff which is supposed to be teaching, those people who are paying attention to him. What's up, where's 54? I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of days, 390 days. So you shall bear the iniquity of the House of Israel. so what he is teaching through this is that there is a time limit and that this having been taken to Babylon has a

Specific purpose has to do with their years in the land in the years of neglect, that they had when they were in the lamp for 6. And when you have completed them by again, on your right side, then you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah 40. So Israel, the northern kingdom is being judge Judah. Can you add a free 24/7? Therefore, you shall stay at your face toward The Siege of Jerusalem? Now, he's nowhere near Jerusalem, he's in Babylon. So they're talking about what is depicting. Hear your arms shall be uncovered, and you shall prophesy against it. Shirley for say, I will restrain you. So did you cannot turn from one side to the other until you have ended the days of your seed? So he's being told that he's not going to be exactly this out. His picture is going to be perfect verse 9, also take for yourself wheat. Barley beans, lentils mode, and spelt. Put them into one vessel, make bread of them for yourself, during the number of days that you lie on your side. 390 days, you shall eat at this, is over here, lying on his side for a year for stealing your food. Which I shall be wait, so I'll be by weight. 20 shekels. A day from time to time, you shall eat it. Where's the web? And you should also drink water by Major 1/6 of a hen from time to time you show, drinked, or swell when you show eat it as barley cakes and bacon using fuel of human waste in their site.

The many tribes in Africa do this. It says, they will take the oxen waist and they gathered together and they make fire out of it. So this is doable. You can take weight when you cook it and burn with it. It's not a clean thing. The Jews aren't allowed to do this, but he was being told to do this. What he is demonstrating is that they are ceremonially unclean during the time that they are out of the land while the Steve against the land is happening. While they're kept away from the land first 13 in the Lord said. So she'll the children of Israel eat their defiled bred among the Gentiles where I will drive them. So the bread is defiled because it's good cooked on the human done, so it's not bad, it's not poison. It's not moldy or anything like that but it is it is not able to be consecrated because it has been cooked. Against the against the law that use cumin done for us over 14. I said, I Lord God, indeed. I have never defiled myself from my youth till now, I have never done anything that wasn't according to the guidelines of your word. Why would I do that? Now, I've never eaten. What died of itself or was torn by Beast nor has abominable Flash ever. Come into my mouth. He's never eaten anything that was outside of the law first 15-minute. He said to me. See, I am giving you told them instead of human waste and you shall prepare your bread over it. Oh, okay. He's being allowed it to degrade. You still using dung to cook, but at least he's not allowed to use Calgon. Number 16. Moreover he said to me, son of man. Surely I will cut off the supply of bread in Jerusalem. They surely bread by weights and with anxiety and she'll drink water by major in with bread. First 15. Also, the word of the Lord came to me saying, Son of man. Verse 16. Behold I take away from you. The desire of your eyes with one stroke, yet you show me their morn Norwegian or show your tears run down for 17th. July in silence. Make no mourning for the dead by a turbine on your head. Put your sandals on your feet, do not cover your lips and do not man's bread of Sorrow. His Joy. His love, his wife is being taken from him. She's going to die. He's not allowed to mourn. He's not allowed to show. They tear first 18. So, I spoke to the people in the morning and it needs me. My wife died the next morning I did, as I was commanded worst. 19. People said to me. Will you not tell us what these things signify to us that you behave? So he's going through all these rituals and, and demonstrating acting out all this. All this symbolism from God, but they haven't figured out what it is. So Bert, when he said, I answered them, the word of the Lord came to me saying first 21 speak to the house of Israel. That says the Lord God behold. I will profane My Sanctuary. Your arrogant boast the desire of your I buy is the Delight of your soul and your sons and daughters whom you have left behind. She'll fall by the sword. So he says the punishment isn't over, even though you've been pulled out of that, which was precious to you has been left in the land, that too is going to be destroyed. We're 22 and you shall do. As I have done, you shall not cover your lips, nor eating the bread of Sorrow verse 23, your turban, she'll be on your heads, in your sandals, on your feet, you show me there more and more weed, but you shall Pine away in your iniquities. I'm born with one another so they're going to understand that they cause this this was their problem and they're getting the just results of their poor choices. First 24 lessons, equal as a sign to you. According to all that he has done, you shall do. And when this comes you will know that I am the Lord God.

so now, back to our passage here, When we see you, but is Ezekiel takes the two sticks and rice inscriptions representing the historic Kingdom of Judah and historic Kingdom of Israel on each stick together as one might to 6 and holding them together as one as indicating that the two of them were always recognized as an ethnic theological. Unity Soloman may have divided God's land and God's people into 22 gun. God has never seen it that way. Yes, he has treated them according to their leaders and their rulers but he is always seen them as a unified Israel. Very interesting. then we read in verse 15, the game, the word of the Lord came to me saying, 416. As for you, son of man. Take a stick for yourself and write on it for Judah. And for the children of Israel His companion, then take another stick and write on it for Joseph, The Stick of that freedom. And for the all the house of Israel, his companions for 17, then join them to one another for yourself into one steak, and they will become one in your hand.

Who are we see here? Then? Is it through the symbolic Act? Ezekiel is portraying the reunification of the revived Nation. Now, we're not talking about the Babylonian era. We're talking about this future are of it as being prophesied when everyone from around the planet will be pulled from their grave, from their places, outside of them and they will be pulled together. And at this point for the first time in history, we will see the reunification of a revived Nation.

So, here's a question.

First, I want to point out that even to this day, we have those who are inclined to think of the missing 12 tribes for the missing. Ten tribes were never restored to the land. Yes. It was largely the tribes of the Southern Kingdom, who returned to the land under Nehemiah and the rubbable. But this classic misnomer that we have a missing. Ten tribes of Israel is based on ignorance of the facts based on Shawty scholarship misinformation spread by the enemies of Israel. And it's even perpetuated by the Jewish Community themselves and part that would get into some interesting information. As we see what is inscribed on each stick? It isn't what you supposed. If I were to ask you, what is the qlizz to inscribe on each stick knowing that he's taking the northern tribes, and Southern tribes, and putting them together? Well, my question, what would you guess would be inscribed on East it? Don't cheat. Don't look at your by. What do you think?


Maybe the prize, I would probably go with Israel on one stick and Judah on the other because those are kind of the the titular head of each of the each of the each of the North and South. But instead for the northern kingdom it was to be Joseph. Or Ephraim. And the northern kingdom was largely Ephraim and Manasseh. Those two sub tribe of Joseph but he includes the other tribes of Israel in his description who are his companion. This is interesting.

1st Kings.

25 receiver jeroboam was an F G. I became a popular designation for the northern kingdom of the secessionist Israel tribes that are under his leadership that left. The rest of the country. We see that in Hosea chapter 4 verses 16 and 17.

Go back to the First Kings, we read this, then jeroboam built shechem in the mountains of Ephraim and dwelt there. Also, he went out from there in Belton, you will. So what we have is a false Jerusalem that has been built for the northern tribe because it can you go to Jerusalem? You can say, let us go up to the mountains. Let us go to Jerusalem because they're in the north and they are no longer part of the Southern tribes. So he's created his own City here. Hosea, chapter 4 that we reference. Before says this for Israel is stubborn. Speaking of the northern tribes LED here by jeroboam is stubborn like a stubborn calf. If you've been on the farm you've ever tried leading a calf, you know, they can be the most stubborn of all if you want them to go someplace so they don't want to go that place. They will dig in their heels. Especially if you're leading them away from Moana, where the milk is now. The Lord will let them forage like a lamb in Open Country, we are told. And then verse 17 says, Ephraim is joined to Idols. Let him alone. So they're being portrayed as a stubborn. Calf that just wants to go off on its own way and you can't move it. Now when I say I'm not talkin, something about the size of a German shepherd and talk to you. It is big and it's like moving a car without Tire, she just cannot do it. So that is what we are being told that are free in his life and he says

Well, let me, let me say this. I've been doing some investigation. Do we have some various lists? Are the tribes that we have for the nation of Israel. So we're comparing what's on the sticks, and trying to understand why that's written there. In our first list comes from Genesis 35, to give us perspective. Genesis, 35, we read that the sons of Jacob were twelve. So this is what we find there. The sons of Leah Rubin Jacob's, first born and Simeon, Levi's. Judah. It's the car and Zebulon solia actually has six. Of the children to become the heads of the tribes of Israel. And then we read first 24, that the sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin. She had two children, Converse 25, we read the sons of bill for Rachel's maidservant. We're Dan and knocked away. So Rachel had extensive lie, under her line for children to buy yourself into by her, maid service, but then lie, I did the same thing as well. And we see that the sons of zyll Papa Leo's maidservant word, Gad, and Asher from these were the sons of Jacob who were born to him and had an order in. So we have a pool ostensibly under Leah 6 that she burnt their cells and then to buy her handmaiden. And then for under Rebecca to that, she birthed them into my her handmaiden.

Now, this is interesting. Those are the 12 tribes. This is the classic view of the 12 tribes in the Book of Revelation. There is a different list of twelve tribes. This is relevant because we're studying all the tribes that were gathered together and is he killed? But it's not the same.

So we'll just get started in this and we won't be able to finish this portion of the study but I'll introduce it. Sew-in 7:5.

Wearied of the tribes of Judah.

There are twelve thousand that were sealed of the tribe of Reuben. 12,000 were sealed in the tribes of 12,000 were sealed. Most interesting, we're going to have a presentation of four groups of three Scholars are all over the map as to why this might be the case. There are as many theories as there are Scholars. The thing is, if you walk into any Jewish assembly, if you have five people gathered together, you're going to have eight of pinions.

Well, that seems to be the case sometimes with the study that some people will hold two or three opinions. And I understand that I like to hedge. My bets don't want to necessarily land on think I'm saying. So we continue on in 460 the tribe of Asher. 12,000 were sealed, the tribe of math to lie. 12,000 were sealed by the tribe of Manasseh. 12,000 were seals, we have Asher NAFTA. Why the Manassa then it starts to get interesting From the tribe of Simeon. 12,000 were sealed of the tribe of Levi. 12,000 were sealed of a tribe of issachar 12004 seat. The reason that starts to get interesting here is because Well, couple things have happened already first, we had manasa, I wanted to have tried, is already been lifted in the second group of four. But in this group of four, I mean, excuse me, this group of three. We see that Levi is lifted, and because Levi did not inherit any land in Israel, is not subject to the blessings of the land. It is, the tribe whose land is the Lord is almost a picture of the True Believers and has been set apart for something. You need and service to the Lord. Whereas everyone else is a part of the promise of God. So but most of the list that we see we don't see Levi listed but we do have 12 tried that the land is divided up into another's. Twelve Tribes. You see the two Crimes of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim. So, what we had then here we are, we see that Levi is lifted. Okay, that's getting weird. What's going on next member? State of the trials of Zebulon. 12,000 were sealed of the tribes of Joseph way. Joseph. Joseph was 2/2 tribes. He Joseph has Manasseh and Ephraim, right? They listed Manasseh. They haven't posted up for him, but they just listed Joseph and then we have Benjamin. That's 12. It's over all the lands. Been passed out. This is interesting. This is interesting. So this study is starting to get involved and there are all these conflicting opinions as to why. And so, for the moment, I'll just put out a few facts and then I will come back to this and return to a more in-depth review. So see if we can sort this out a little bit, know that both Joe and Manasseh are listed as my first thing to call out here. So the actual half tribe of Joseph,

Any actual have tried and Joseph are listed. That's kind of weird here in the list of Revelation. Also know that both you and Darren are missing from the list. They'll both of these are tribes with particular curses or proclamations of punishment because of bad behavior that are on them. But I haven't drawn any conclusions on that. Yeah, we'll have to come back to that notice as well. That Levi is listed. As Levi is typically not listed, what is replaced by the half price of Joseph. We got a few things to consider and sort out here as to. Why do we have the stuff for list in Revelation from the list that we have initially in Genesis? 35, and we have a few of the list along the way to consider and see if we can sort this out or fishes can be a big mystery, that will be unwrapped for us in heaven. So but more to come next week and we'll pick up there, let's close in prayer dearly father. We thank you that we have more to consider of your word. Thank you that you've given us your word to consider that we might grow that. We might think we might have puzzles that allow us to work through things that we might be able to learn to utilize those skills of Bible study that you have given to us. That we might be understanding the book and the passages in the context in which there in, we might not be jerking things aside, also that we might be taking the comparisons that you've made. We can understand much of the Book of Revelation because of what you have taught, and other passages, we can understand what's being said because you've already said it. So you're repeating we get to pick up that understanding in that meeting there for so pray that you would encourage us in our walkthrough wives or families. Those around us make us and encouragement to them. Let us be focused on the grace provision that you have given us, that we are to live our lives. Not based on works, not based on Ark. The based on the work of Jesus Christ, We Trust in his work there for we walk by the power of the Holy Spirit. And I we look for you to be the one is glorified in our lives and certainly not ourselves. We thank you. We Praise You In Christ Jesus name. Amen.

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