Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Today is the last Sunday in August, and that means it is the last Sunday in our ministry calendar.
I’m excited about the start of a new ministry year that begins this next week.
My excitement does not stem from the great plans we’ve made, although of course we have made some plans.
I’m excited because of the great work God is doing.
The message of Jesus—the gospel of the kingdom—and the church that he has made us members of, is all for the purpose of sending us out on a mission, with an agenda, with good news, and with anticipation for what God is going to do through us.
This morning as we bring our annual sermon series called Crosstown Basics to a close, let us consider how the Gospel of Resurrection should excite us all about the mission he has sent us on together.
Consider this observation:
The resurrection is not an isolated supernatural oddity proving how powerful, if apparently arbitrary, God can be when he wants to.
Nor is it at all a way of showing that there is indeed a heaven awaiting us after death.
It is the decisive event which means that God’s kingdom really has been launched on earth as it is in heaven.[1]
So, the resurrection of Jesus means, not just personal salvation, but mission to the world.[2] It is the whole reason you are a Christian.
God wants to advance his purposes in his world through you and me.
To be a Christian is to embody the mission of Christ's gracious invitation into the transforming power of the kingdom of God.
What could be more exciting?
I want us to recapture that excitement by seeing that the Christian mission is not different from Jesus’s mission.
We are sent on a mission to announce the arrival of the kingdom of God and to invite everyone into it, allowing the kingdom of God’s present reality to do its transforming work on us along the way.
Announce the Kingdom
If we are going to succeed in carrying out the mission of God, then we must, of course, know what that mission is.
And central to knowing the mission that God has sent us on is knowing the story that stands behind it all.
And that story is the one about God and his kingdom.
The story of God’s promise to restore all of creation, and to bring it to its intended completion.
It is the story of the kingdom of God, the promise of God’s sovereign rule over all creation so that justice and beauty and truth shine brightly in his world.
Our mission is to announce that that kingdom has come.
A Subversive Telling of Israel’s Story
Now, Jesus told many parables about this great story.
The one we are looking at today is the third and final parable that Matthew has Jesus telling in a series, going back to Matthew 21:28.
These are meant to tell us something about the kingdom of God since Jesus’s massive claim was that he was ushering in the long-awaited kingdom.
But if so, he was doing it in a quite subversive way, which is what his parables are meant to show.[3]
How so?
Well, just look back at the end of the last chapter, where the chief priests and the Pharisees get the point of the parables: “He was speaking about them” (Matt 21:45).
Jesus was telling the story of Israel but casting Israel’s leaders as Israel’s chief enemies.
So, we can see the point of this parable quite clearly.
The kingdom of God, like the king’s wedding feast, is ready.
It is “at hand,” as Jesus so frequently preached.
The problem is that the original invitees refuse to come to the party.
Some even respond viciously against it.
This is not just a re-telling of Israel’s story in the past, where everyone in Jesus’s day was quite aware of Israel’s long and troubled history.
Carried away into exile in Babylon, Israel’s hope had been renewed by Cyrus the Great’s decree allowing whoever wished to go to return to the land of Israel.
Yet even though so many Jews were again living in the Promised Land, the promise of the kingdom of God was still unfulfilled, as the Roman centurion standing nearby with hand on his sword was sure to remind everyone.
Jesus went about proclaiming that God was finally about to do what he had promised.
Indeed, it was happening right now in and through himself.
And though he would be resisted and rejected by his own people, this would not frustrate the fulfillment of the promise.
Rather, it would be the divine plan for bringing it all to pass.
Staying with the Story
Now let me pause here long enough to say that many Christians today have not been taught to read the story of Jesus like that.
Many have been taught that, yes, Jesus came announcing the kingdom, but since Israel rejected it, God’s promised kingdom must have been put on hold.
If we read the Jesus story like that, we will understand the mission of Jesus today quite differently.
It makes a big difference if we view God’s mission in terms of a kingdom that has been put on hold or a kingdom that has been inaugurated.
This sermon will go in vastly different directions depending on how the preacher (and the hearers) understand the kingdom of God.
If you think that the kingdom of God has been put on hold, maybe until the Second Coming or at least until some secret rapture of the church, then the mission will consist mainly of news about how to go to heaven when you die or how not to be left behind when the rapture takes place.
But if you understand Jesus to have succeeded in inaugurating the long-awaited kingdom, then the mission simply cannot consist only of news about the well-being of your bodiless life after death; it also must consist of news about what the king would have us do now in light of his kingdom that has already come.
It is no doubt true that Israel, through her authorized leaders in Jesus’s day, resisted the arrival of the kingdom of God.
It was like they had waited for so long for something which, when it finally came, they simply no longer cared about it.
I’ve got all kinds of things on my Amazon list which seemed like something I’d really like at the time I put it on there but that I probably wouldn’t care anything about today if I got it.
That’s how Israel is being portrayed here.
They are like people who get an invitation and respond that they are coming but then decide not to show up to the event, probably because something better came up in the meantime.
And again, some even violently oppose it.
The Kingdom Comes—with Judgment!
The parable includes, in verse 7, a telling sign of God’s response: “the king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murders and burned their city.”
It is quite likely that this reflects the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 when the Romans torched large parts of the city.[4]But
this is, Jesus said, exactly what God had planned.
This did not delay the kingdom; the destruction of Jerusalem was a sign, not that the kingdom had not come but that it had.
In telling this parable, Jesus predicted that this is exactly what the coming of the kingdom of God would be like.
This parable about the coming of the kingdom goes on.
But the point we should grasp is that what happened to Jesus—his rejection by his own people and his crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, did not hinder the arrival of God’s kingdom but was the divine means for inaugurating it.
That is, of course, surprising.
But if it’s true, it means that the mission of God for us today cannot be altered from what it would have been upon the inauguration of the kingdom.
Keeping the story of Israel before us—the story of God’s kingdom now come in and through Jesus—helps us understand the mission before us.
Invite Everyone to the Kingdom
Already we see the subversive way that Jesus is telling Israel’s story.
He is saying that the arrival of the kingdom of God will be matched by the opposition to it—opposition from the very people who were on the original guest list.
So, what now?
This opposition against the kingdom of God, and the violence that ensues, does not mean that God’s kingdom will be delayed in its coming.
No, rather, it means that the guest list has changed.
Now, that is sad news for the original invitees who are going to miss out, but it’s glad news for those who would otherwise have never been invited.
Seen from their perspective, this is evidence of God’s grace extended to them.
And our mission is to invite everyone into the grace of God and his kingdom.
A Spectacular Opportunity
Now, let’s let the parable do its job on us first.
This is a story meant to show how it is the kingdom of God is being inaugurated.
While on the one hand the refusal of the original guests to come to the party presents a dilemma (for what good is a feast if no one will come to eat it?),
from another perspective this is a spectacular opportunity.
“The wedding feast is ready,” the king says to his servants in verse 8, “but those invited were not worthy.
Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find” (v.
There can be no misunderstanding of the point being made here.
Israel’s resistance to the kingdom will not stop it from coming.
God will see to it that his kingdom is filled with his citizens.
This time, the invitation is met with happy receptivity.
Verse 10 concludes, “So the wedding hall was filled with guests.”
Who are these who have now come?
From Matthews’ perspective, these are no doubt the lower social classes within Israel, the prostitutes, tax collectors, and other despised Jewish “sinners,” the very ones Jesus hung out with (Matt 9:11-13).
We who have read Paul’s letter to the Romans know that the point can be expanded out.
Israel stumbled, Paul argued in Romans 11, and the result is that “through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles.”
(Rom 11:11).
Again, it is not that God’s program, his mission to the world, had to adapt because Israel’s resistance to its arrival frustrated the divine plan.
No! This was the plan all along.
This parable is telling us to look for comparisons to how the king filled his banquet room and how the kingdom of God gets its citizens.
An Open Invitation
When we step back then and see what has transpired since the first century AD, since the coming of Jesus and the arrival of God’s kingdom, what we can say is that God has filled his kingdom with quite the cast of characters.
The invitation has gone out to anyone and everyone to come to the feast.
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