Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Kingdom Love Part 1
Mark 12:
God allows storms for us to have a more open heart to Him
The love of God and the love for God and love for others!
Expected love the scriptures has for one another
Love for those who are not part of the kingdom yet
If Jesus is not the Lord of their lives something or someone else is
God allows storms for us to have a more open heart to Him
Jesus is asking do you believe this?
Everything you are needs to be devoted to a loving living God
Our love for God and love for others can not be separated
first 4 commandments are about our relationship with God
the last 6 commandments are about our relations with others
Jesus adds a third part to all this, that is the standard of loving your neighbor = love them as you love yourself
Mark 12:32
Lets learn something from this man:
Any eternal rewards that we will have has nothing to do with us but God working in us
Do we have boxes that we check off on our spiritual checklist like salvation is something we do
the physical is all a bridge to share the gospel and the hope of Jesus Christ
When we leave God out of the equation it is not good because God wants to be brought in and left out.
We need to be careful that taking care of creation is more important than worshipping the creator!
If you are having a hard time hearing this it is because “doing good has become better than doing God.
Jesus is confronting this line of thinking
2 Corin.
Jesus was pleased with what this man said
You are starting to see God for who He is
He was not in the Kingdom but not far off
1. this was personal for this man
2. This man was recognizing that loving God was more important than what he was doing for God.
We can do things for God with the wrong heart.
3.This man was listening and agreeing with Jesus
Those who will be in the kingdom will be those who agree with the King and allow Him to be on the throne of their heart
4. Jesus saw that he was being honest and authentic in front of his peers
Are we letting political pressure determine what I think and say
He was willing to break ranks for the truth
Truth that would cost him something was embraced
He was willing to take a risks for what Jesus was saying
Our love is simply out of a response of His love
1 John
Gods love is bountiful
Gods love is steadfast and unwavering
God’s love is the greatest love
Romans 5
His love is demonstrated
God’s love is a giving sacrificial love
God’s love is unconditional
When you give your Son to those who will curse Him as well as those who will love Him that is unconditional love
Romans 8:
God’s love is far reaching
God’s love is a force that transforms those who embrace it, it is not just a feeling
God’s love has no end it has no breaking point
This is our reasonable response to His unconditional love for us
Our hearts and lives are brimming over with that love of God
The love of God should permeate every part of my life
This love for the king and His kingdom will only endure if I have done my part in cultivating that love
Marriages that fall apart because of some circumstances is because they did not cultivate something in their marriages that was greater than that circumstances and that is love
God’s love is enduring, transforming, chasing love, sacrificial love, eternal that is a force
How this message should work out towards others
It must be embraced
It must be cultivated
It must be exercised towards others
And this is how it grows
His love will rule and reign if we let Him rule and reign and people will see that He is Lord of our Heart by His love ruling in our lives
Kingdom Love Part 2
(Luke 6)
Love God with every part of your being
It must be embraced
There is order to the kingdom
It must be cultivated
It must be exercised towards others
God is in Charge of the kingdom
God is the king of His kingdom
And this is how it grows
You must follow the rules to be effective in that kingdom
Source of love is God
Personal experience of love by God who is in us
Characteristics of Gods love is what we are supposed to display
Sinful woman anoints Jesus
Her sins are forgiven for she loves much
whom little is forgiven the same loves little
our love for God is a response to who He is and what He has done for our lives
how we see God affects how we see others
We need to cultivate a freshness on how we love God
God’s love is always going to be what it needs to be, but ours can wax cold
Our love can grow hardened
If I think about what He has done for my life then maybe that will fan my love for Him
Gods love is displayed, initiated
1 Jo
A personal experience
God’s Love needs to saturate every part of our lives
1 John
IF we love one another His love abides in us and God’s love is perfected in us.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9